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translator: Eve
editor: kara

On the way back after lunch, Xiao Yuanmu got a phone call.

Song Xuanhe hadn’t thought much of it at first, but when he had noticed the other’s sinking gaze upon receiving it, he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong?”

Xiao Yuanmu came closer and grabbed hold of Song Xuanhe’s hand. Song Xuanhe raised a brow but didn’t throw him off.

The silence continued until they had reached the elevator of Xiao Yuanmu’s apartment. There, Xiao Yuanmu said in a heavy tone: “Something’s happened to Xiao Lin.”

Song Xuanhe mulled over this for a few seconds before he was able to associate the name, Xiao Lin, with the person. “Your father? What happened to him?”

He didn’t know why, but he didn’t have any favourable opinions of the Xiao Family. He was only inquiring out of politeness.

“He fell after being knocked over. Seems like he hit his head.” There was no concern in Xiao Yuanmu’s voice either. “He’s at the hospital right now.”

“You should go over then,” Song Xuanhe said, “I’ll take care of Xiao Huang.”

“No, it’s fine.”

The elevator door opened, and Xiao Yuanmu gave Song Xuanhe a profound look. “It’s not safe for you to stay here in Y City right now. I’ll buy you a plane ticket. You should go back to China as soon as possible.”


Song Xuanhe retorted back instinctively like a rebellious teen upon hearing what had sounded like a command. But when he saw the concern in Xiao Yuanmu’s eyes, he paused. “I was planning on heading back soon anyway. I can buy my own ticket.”

Xiao Yuanmu quietly said, “Alright.”

The two of them walked out of the elevator together. Song Xuanhe glanced at the unopened suitcase sitting by the entrance and clicked his tongue. “Well, I won’t need to pack up.”

Xiao Huang came running over after hearing them, barking happily. His tail wagged, and he circled around their feet, hopping every now and then. He was evidently free of any worries.

Xiao Yuanmu hadn’t expected that the slight deviations he had made would cause Xiao Lin’s accident to occur earlier than it had had in his previous life. Although he didn’t regret the things he had done, when he thought about how difficult it had been to reunite and spend time with Song Xuanhe, his eyes still dimmed.

Xiao Yuanmu quietly said, “I’ll take you there.”

Song Xuanhe paused while buying his ticket. He looked up, his gaze meeting Xiao Yuanmu’s.

“It’s okay. I’ve already bought the ticket. My flight’s in three hours.” Song Xuanhe looked away. “You should hurry to the hospital. Regardless, he is your….”

“I want to take you.” Xiao Yuanmu grabbed Song Xuanhe’s suitcase and turned his back to the other. “Let’s go.”

Song Xuanhe looked down at Xiao Huang, who was still looking at them jubilantly. He squatted down and rubbed the dog’s head. “Eat less.”

When Xiao Huang had excitedly laid down for him to rub his stomach, Song Xuanhe walked over to the elevator instead.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Xiao Huang didn’t understand what they were saying. Nevertheless, he knew that his owner was going to be leaving him alone whenever he entered that elevator. So, when he saw that the two of them were going to leave him after having just come back, he couldn’t help but shamelessly dash into the elevator. He flopped onto Xiao Yuanmu’s leg and whined.

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