translator: Eve
editor: xiinAfter staying in Xiao Yuanmu’s apartment for about a week, Song Xuanhe had mostly recovered.
But Xiao Yuanmu seemed to have gotten accustomed to working from home. It didn’t matter how often Louis complained. Unless Song Xuanhe wanted to go out or it was absolutely necessary for work, he never left the apartment. This caused Louis to invite Song Xuanhe to visit the company over and over again.
It was difficult to decline his offer. Song Xuanhe was also a bit curious about RE. Therefore, when his injuries scabbed over, he went to RE with Xiao Yuanmu.
Louis spread his arms open enthusiastically in RE’s lobby. He shouted excitedly, “Song, you’re finally here!”
Song Xuanhe paused and Xiao Yuanmu lifted an arm to block Louis. He looked at him coldly, “What are you doing?”
“A welcoming hug.” Louis shrugged. “Forget it. I know that you don’t like me hugging Song. Whatever. Let’s go upstairs. I’ll take you around.”
“I’ll take him around,” Xiao Yuanmu said. “You can go back to work.”“I didn’t expect you to treat me like this.” Louis said, incredulous, “We’re both at the company but you’re going to make me work while you go on a date with your beloved?”
“Yes.” Xiao Yuanmu grabbed Song Xuanhe’s hand, brushed past Louis and ignored the shocked gazes from all around them as he led Song Xuanhe into the elevator.
Song Xuanhe looked at Louis, who looked like he wanted to run into the elevator as well. He leaned against the wall. “It wouldn’t be good to trap him outside.”
“There’s another elevator.”
“That’s not what I meant…” Song Xuanhe stopped midway. When he saw how Xiao Yuanmu didn’t care in the least, he swallowed the rest of his sentence. “Nevermind.”
Xiao Yuanmu, however, pressed on. “Do you want Louis to interrupt our date?”
“I just came to visit.” Song Xuanhe corrected, “This isn’t really a date.”
Xiao Yuanmu asked him, “Then what would be considered a date?”
Song Xuanhe was taken aback by this question. He mulled over it. He hadn’t dated seriously in his previous world so he didn’t have any experience. Meanwhile, when it came to the original host, aside from the innocent dates that consisted of watching movies and eating together during his school days, the rest of his dates included attending parties together. In Song Xuanhe’s opinion, those didn’t seem like dates. It was like they were just drinking buddies.
What truly constituted a date? This question stumped Song Xuanhe.
But he wouldn’t let Xiao Yuanmu know that he had no dating experience. He pretended to consider the question before calmly saying, “Watching movies, eating together, going on walks—those are all dates.”
“What kind of movie do you like?”
Song Xuanhe: “Ones like Star Trek.”
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Song Xuanhe paused and then shook his head. “I like sci-fi movies.”“Vml-ol….”
Ktf fifnjabg vbbg bqfcfv. Tjcu Alf kjr kjlalcu bc atf batfg rlvf.
Ktf olgra atlcu Wljb Tejcwe vlv kjr jrx: “Gb sbe xcbk lo atfgf jgf jcs cfk rmlfcmf olmalbc wbnlfr qijslcu?”