1. Delaney

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Hi guys!!!
So I decided to write another story with children in it! I hope that's okay?
Braydon and Delaney>>

I heard being called as I slowly woke up.


I heard again so I slowly sat up and looked at the clock it read 3:45am.

I groaned but got, slowly rubbing my eyes.

I walked to my little girls room and opened the door only to see her sitting in bed with her blankie in her hands and a binkie in her mouth, even though my mom hated that I still let her have a binkie since she was four but I didn't care since it kept her calm.

"What's the matter dill?" I asked calling her by her nickname she was given a couple years ago because she was in love with dill pickles.

"I wanna sleep with you" She whined while stretching her arms out to me.

I walked over and picked her up.

She immediately snuggled into my side so I carried her back to my room where I set her down first then I laid down.

Once I got us both under my comforter she snuggled up so she was laying on my chest and her head was against the side of my neck.

I brought my hands up and rubbed her back so I could get her to fall asleep before I did.

Which never happened but tonight it looked like it would because she reached up and put her hand on my cheek before her breathing evened out.

I smiled at the little girl laying on my chest before I fell asleep too.
I felt my face being poked and my eyes snapped open.

Delaney was sitting on my chest playing with my face and giggling.

"Dill what are you doing?" I asked and she giggled.

"I am playing with your face daddy"

I smiled before pulling her down to kiss her cheek.

When I let her sit back up I glanced over at the clock and it read 9:23am.

Shit I was running late!

"Dill lets go make breakfast" She quickly nodded before going to jump off my bed but tripping on a pillow and falling really hard on her elbows and knees.

I knew the water works were coming.

"Daddy" She cried while turning her face to me and I saw the tears in her eyes.

I got out of bed and bent down to pick her up.

I set her on my hip and rocked her back and forth while she put her face against my neck.

"Shh you're okay" I said while grabbing her blanket and binkie off the bed.

I popped the binkie in her mouth and handed her the blanket before she started to calm down.

I walked out of the room and into the living room where I sat Delaney on the couch and turned the tv on before I went to the kitchen to make pancakes.

After the pancakes were done I went and grabbed her and took her to the kitchen to eat.

I put orange juice in her cup before sitting down to eat with her.

We always had fun conversations while eating and I loved it.


I looked up when she said that.

"Hmm" I asked since I had pancakes in my mouth and I was trying to teach her not to talk with her mouth full.

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now