23.Waking up

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This is back in Braydon's POV and if you didn't read the last chapter that was in Claire's POV, Go read it!
Braydon's POV

My eyes snapped open when I felt hands tapping my chest.

I sat up slowly and saw dill sitting in front of me.

I looked around and realized we were on the lawn of our house.

I glanced back at her and realized she was talking to me but I couldn't hear her.

She just kept talking to me and I tried to listen but I couldn't understand.

As I looked around again I realized everything was a little fuzzy and we were surrounded by black besides the house, the yard, and the road.

I felt poking on my arm and I looked at dill.

Her pokes felt like sharp needles.

"What's going on?" I tried to ask but it was as if she couldn't hear me either.

All of the sudden I white van pulled up in front of us and two men dressed in suits stepped out and walked over to us.

Dill looked at them before they both grabbed her.

She started kicking and wiggling and it looked like she was screaming.

I tried getting up to get to her but it was as if my legs and arms were glued to the ground.

I watched helplessly as the two men put dill in the back of the van before driving off into complete darkness.

It felt like hours before I saw another person.

I was shocked.

Standing in front of me was my grandpa, who had died five years ago.

He looked different but I knew it was him.

"Braydon you have to wake up"

I tilted my head at him.

Why could I hear him but I couldn't hear dill?

I tried to ask why but nothing came out.

"Braydon wake up" He commanded while walking closer to me.

When he stepped in front of me he moved his hands so they were in front of my chest.

"Give dill a kiss for me" He said right before he put his hands directly onto my chest.

He started to fade as a light came into focus along with pain throughout my entire torso.

My eyes snapped opened.

I was laying on something very uncomfortable and the lights were too bright.

I tried to lift my head but let out a groan when pain shot through me.


I heard before my mom and dad were at my side.

My mom was crying while my dad just looked very concerned.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" My dad asked and I nodded.

"My ribs" I said even though my throat was dry.

My mom rushed to get me a cup of water.

When she returned, I took a small sip and sighed in relief at the feeling of it running down my throat.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Seven hours" My dad said.

"Where's dill?" I panicked.

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