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Jungkook was on his way out but he thought of going to Washroom and fresh up it was damn long. But he felt happy as it went well and he applied to all universities that were in the city.
"hyung would be happy to know i applied to management." he giggled imagining seokjin proud face.
Without knowing someone hit his neck and he fell on floor.

After sometime when he opened his eyes. He was in some store room and gasping for air.

"where am i?" "oh you will know soon" "sana

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"where am i?"
"oh you will know soon"
"sana. Don't do something you will regret later. Hyung will be here soon"
"yeah he sure will to get your dead body." sana had some injection in her hands but she was slapped and thrown on ground.
Nayeon quickly sat on her. As seokjin held jungkook. Who smiled at seokjin and Jackson and yoongi started fanning him
"baby look at me. Here. Hyung is here." jungkook nodded when seokjin started tapping his cheeks. Jungkook hands reached seokjin coat.
"yes baby."
"take me out. I am feeling suffocation"
"yes baby. Nayeon. Tie her up i already called the cops. And all management here."
Seokjin carried jungkook to other room and sighed in relief when jungkook calmed down holding his hand. Seokjin laid jungkook on infirmity room bed. And his doctor checked.
" he is okay mr. Kim just a bit shocked. " seokjin nodded and then the principle came in looking all shocked.
"mr. Kim. It's you?"
"yeah so what?"
"i am so sorry this all happened. I guess you don't remember me. But you are the biggest share holder of this school."
"oooh. So mr. Marlin. This student sana. Molest and harassed my boyfriend. Do u think you want some ill manner student have the degree of your school?"
"definitely not sir. I'll make sure she will learn a lesson. I'll talk with cops."
"I'll leave then" seokjin nodded and he went out. Seokjin turned to see all the person all shocked.
"stop staring at me. And yoongi and Jackson thank you. And take nayeon and jimin to get some fresh air. They need it. Jungkook is all okay."
They nodded and jackson and yoongi came holding jungkook hands
"we will come visit you okay.?"
Jungkook smiled and settled back.
"baby let's take you home." jungkook nodded slowly and crawled to seokjin lap. Seokjin quickly carried him outside the school. Jackson was standing there and yoongi opened the car.
Jimin insisted to just be with jungkook until they home. And seokjin agreed. Jackson drove them as seokjin was holding jungkook in his arms. They went home and Jackson and jimin stay for some time and then left.
Jungkook was sleeping seokjin walked in the room and started feeling disgusting.
When seokjin sat at bed beside jungkook holding his hand.
When seokjin was in thoughts. jungkook opened his eyes and sat slowly.
Seokjin came out of his thoughts and hugged jungkook tightly.

"hey hyung

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"hey hyung. It's okay. I am okay. Look at me. Hey shhh"
"no just stay like that.. I am feeling horrible."
"okay okay.i am here. Hold me as you like"
"i will."
"stop crying now please."
"you have pain somewhere?"
"don't lie"
"i am not lying"
Jungkook broke the hug and kissed seokjin eyes.
And wiped his face gently.

"don't cry it hurts me

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"don't cry it hurts me. Please" few tears left jungkook eyes and jinkook hug each other. As tbey cried to his fill.
"let's s-sh-shower hyung"

Seokjin nodded and they walked to shower.
Seokjin kept holding jungkook tight

 Seokjin kept holding jungkook tight

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. And kept kissing him. When they were out and laid on bed. Jungkook straddled seokjin.
"stop thinking anything. Nothing happened to me. See i am all fine. See. Not even scratch. See." seokjin looked up and ran his hands on jungkook body. He kept staring and running his fingers on his body. Jungkook laid on top of seokjin as seokjin kept rubbing his body and hugged him.
" baby. I fe-"
" shh. I won't allow you to think any. "
"i am sorry"
"ahhh kim seokjin! Why you think anything happened to me is your fault"
"baby..." seokjin voice trembled making jungkook sit on his thighs.
"you won't stop thinking will you?"
"i am sorry"
"enough! Why you become a baby when i am yours and here safe and sound."
Seokjin pouted and jungkook held his face.
"i am right here. With you..think of me. Whatever happens is in fate. Anything can happen. No need to blame yourself."
Seokjin nodded slowly holding jungkook hands that were holding his face kissing his hands.
"i am sorry i can't. It's difficult. Thinking you got hurt. It's hurting me. I feel i can't protect you-"
"shh" jungkook shush him by his lips.
"never say that. I feel the most safe when i am with you . If you think that again. I'll not talk to you.."
Jungkook hugged him tightly and kept kissing him. Slowly his all body.
"i am gonna ride you. Make you go crazy."
"ba-.. Fuck!"
"won't you held me, feel me, hug me, and go deeper in me."
Jungkook was on bed as seokjin started thrusting forward and deeper.
"hyung whenever you think like that.. Think of this. Me with you. Having you. Having us. As one."
Seokjin just growled and held jungkook cheeks parting it. Thrusting in different direction. Making jungkook see cloud nine.
"baby i am gonna-"
"yes. Fill me up. Oh shit"
They kept doing it and then laid next whole day. With jungkook not leaving seokjin. And he kept assuring him he is the one he wants.
"baby i love you.. ."


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