24. hurtful heart..

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A/N note:

"Guess who the fuck is back from they're summer/training camp Y'all! I missed you! but now I can finally write some more. So I'll shut the fuck up now, get your tea's or popcorns out cause some juicy drama's about to start UwU."

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Third person Pov

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You all four walk in the library to hang out, either its to do homework, read or just goof around. Ray chose reading because he's usually the one to be the book worm, Norman did homework and you and Emma were goofing around.

You were both running around sometimes even screaming, what drove the librarian insane. Ray would glance over he's shoulder every now and then to see the librarians mood.

And after about 10 minutes she was almost ready to throw you and Emma out of the library out of pure rage.

So while there was still little of time before that happened, Ray stood up from his seat. Placed his book what he was reading at the moment down and walked up to the two goofy girls.

. . .

Ray then grabbed both you and Emma by the wrist's and started to walk to the table where he and Norman were sitting.

"Now sit down and also calm down. Looking at the librarians face, she's about to lose it if you two wouldn't shut the fuck up." Ray said as he sat back at his original spot where he stood up earlier.

"Cute that you wanted to save us two from the librarians scary screaming." You said wiggling your eyebrows at Ray while doing the classical '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)' face towards him.

Ray looked away and blushed a little embarrassed, "Oh shut up, the last thing I wanna hear is that you and Emma are getting detention for running and screaming in the library, also known as the quiet place where people read." Ray said picking up the book he was reading.

"Okay, well thanks anyway!" You said thanking the raven haired boy with a cheerful smile.

"No problem, stupid." Ray said while not even raising an sight from his book.

. . .

Well now, since you and Emma are not allowed to goof around anymore you both sit down at the library table too, like Norman and Ray did.

You sat down besides Ray and Emma sat besides Norman. While settling down at the table Norman looked up from his homework and gave you a slight side smirk before turning his eyes back at the worksheet.

You weren't all weirded out anymore since he had been like this all day, so just panicking about it doesn't change two shits about Normans weird ass flirty manner.

. . .

While just sitting around bored out of your mind with Emma you decide just to take out your homework as well and start doing it besides leaving it for the school night.

"Nooo! You are going to start doing the boring shit too like Ray and Norman? What a bummer!" Emma whined as she was bored as well.

"Yeah, but don't worry. I won't for long." You said shortly before focusing on the work sheet what Mr. Aizawa gave to you all.

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(A/n: "Heh")

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About 1 hour later you finished the work sheet completely and your whole brain was just hurting from thinking so hard about the questions.

"YES! I FINALLY FINISHED IT!-" You said but you were quickly cut off by other peoples shushing you to be quiet. "Sorry!.." You quickly whisper yelled to them, a little embarrassed.

Ray, who was sitting beside you just quickly snickered before going back to reading. "What so funny E-boy?" You said your face kina turning red from embarrassment.

"Oh nothing." Ray just said with a smirk and went back to reading.

"God damn you.." You mumbled quickly before going back to bored mode.

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After a little while you decided to read a book too like Ray so you could you kill your boredom with it. So you stood up and just silently walked to and Ile where you can take a book what to read.

But after you walked there Norman who had finished his homework way before you did and who was just reading a book too. Placed his book down and stood up.

He then looked at Ray quickly with a devilish smirk and then started to walk where you headed. Ray was extremely suspicious of Norman's actions so he silently followed him too.

. . .

Meanwhile the drama was unraveling back there, you were just in a Ile where you were searching for a book what to read while the boredom was just killing you back there.

You saw a book what caught your eye and you tried to reach it but it was once again, too high for your reach.

While you were struggling to get the book from such a high place Norman walked in with a smile and saw that you were trying to reach for one of the books.

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He then silently walked closer to you and just willingly took the book from the shelf. "Oh, thanks Norman. I was struggling to reach for the book myself." You said thanking him.

"No problem at all." He said in his normal voice and started to give you the book. But while giving it to you he bent down a little and and was just inches away from your face.

And before you know it, he was kissing you on the lips. You just stood there shocked and confused, unable to move or even slap him in the face.

. . .

Little did you know Ray saw the whole thing from peeking behind the book shelf.

He's eyes were wide and open, shocked and hurt to see you kissing Norman back, since he didn't know you were just frozen from the shock as well.

He then bit his under lip trying to hold back the hurtful cries forming in his throat, before just storming out of the library with tears pricking at the sides of he's eyes.

You then came to your sense's and noticed Ray storming out of the library. You pushed Norman away from you and just ran after Ray who had ran out of the library just a second ago..

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