9. Beautiful full moon

608 19 24

Y/n Pov

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As I lay in my bed fully a wake while there are soft snores hear able from the little room. My bed was the closest to the door and threw the little square window I saw a glowing full moon.

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It was fascinating and also very intriging, so as quiet as possible I slowly sit up from my bed. Put on my black shoes and open the main door really quietly as possible so that even a mouse wouldn't hear a noise.

I succeed and walk around the dark campsite. Every where were lights out and only a owls hoot was hear able. The moon was so bright I could even make out my own shadow on the ground.

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I walked around for a while before sitting down at my camp house little terrace. I was enjoying the little wind what blew by as my opened hair followed the direction where the wind blew.

I got really used to the silence until I heard a noise from some where near the girls camp house. I peeked around the little house wall to make out the figure. I didn't see the figure really well so I got a little closer.

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I walked until I stepped on a stick and it quickly made a crack noise.

I flinched quickly before hiding behind a near by tree covering my mouth so the person wouldn't hear my loud panicking breathing. It seemed that the person heard the crack as well and opened their mouth to say something.

"Who the hell is there?" Said a familiar voice in a deep tone. I now recognized the voice, it was Ray.

But I still didn't move since my adrenalin was to high and fear was kicking in. I sat there hands over my mouth holding back my anxious breathing.

Lets just say being silent in a situation like this was harder then you think.

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I heard foot steppes come near the tree and my panic was threw the roof but I couldn't move since I was that terrified.

I closed my eyes to make it less scary.

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"Y/n?" Ray said in his deep but not so scary voice. I flinched to my name and opened my eyes to see Ray stand in front of me and looking right down at me.

I say nothing and he continues.

"What are you doing here? It's 3 am and you should be asleep." He said in a serious tone crossing his arms. I finally could move and I stand up stumbling a little but not falling over.

"I can't sleep." I said a little annoyed and I lead against the tree with one of my hand to help me stay up from not shaking and falling over.

"And why can't you sleep exactly? A fucking nightmare or some shit?" He said still serious. "Hah, don't make me laugh. I don't see dreams many times and the real reason is that I cant fall asleep since I took a really long nap earlier." I said looking at him now.

. . .

We stare at each other for a while with a serious face expressions until I exam his whole body. I saw he had a towel around his neck, His hair was a little wet and down and he had his camera on him.

"Why are you carrying a camera?" I said remaining the serious expression as I rise an eyebrow while looking back at his face.

He looks at the camera as well then back at me, "I took a few night pictures that's all." He said blankly. "And why is you're hair wet and there's towel around you're neck?" I said still looking at him.

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