44. Ball night (3)

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Y/n Pov

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I ran outside of the building Emma running after me, my vision was blurry thanks to my tears, this night was truly awful and I couldn't believe Ray would be such a jerk to kiss the girl who only an hour ago now threatened to kill me in the girls bathroom..

I run out of the school and saw Norman sit on the entrance stairs looking sad, poor guy. Emma ran out of the school now too and stopped to catch her breath but when she also saw Norman there she choked on her air and started to cough grabbing Normans attention too.

"Oh you found her, that's nice.." Norman said looking at the ground avoiding to face the girl who shattered his heart within seconds. "I actually was thinking of leaving, so yeah. just wanted to tell you guys incase you'd wonder where I went." Norman said and turned around to walk away but I gently grabbed him by the hand and he turned around and looked at me in the eyes with his puffy red eyes. He truly had been crying a lot in such a short time period.

"Yes Y/n?" he asked confusedly on why I took his hand, "I'll come with you, since uh.. yeah I'll explain later because.." I needed to stop talking for a moment because I was tearing up again "A lot had happened.." I said and Norman just nodded in understanding.

I turned to look at Emma who shamefully looked at the floor, she walked up to me once again and wrapped her hands around me and gave me a tight hug "Bye bestie, hope you'll feel better. I'm gonna stay for a bit but hope you two will arrive safely home.." She said and then let go off me, she gently took one of my hands and then kissed it and bowed "since some bitch back there ruined the night you still looked gorgeous as always." She said with a smile and I blushed to that "Haha Emma you truly are amazing" I said with a little giggle and Emma smiled warmly back at me "Of course, what are friends for!" She said proudly.

She waved good bye to us and we were on our way home.

. . .

As we walked back there was an awkward silence between us both, I wanted to say something but I couldn't bring myself to say anything since Norman looked as if he wanted to be alone or not talk to anyone at the moment.

He must have noticed me looking at him for a while so he stopped and looked at me weirdly "What? why are you staring at me??" He said straight forward and I just panicked and looked away "Sorry.. You just seem so sad.." I said and Norman just looked at the ground then silently continued walking.

"I know what happened between you and Emma there.." I said to him and he stopped and turned around the second time and started walking up to me again but this time more angry then before.

He walked so close to me that I backed off scared for some reason, "Oh she told you what happened? Did you two laughed over me, since she seemed too embarrassed to even say anything actually to my face." Norman said in an angry tone.

we were near the school gate when he said that and I backed away so far that my back hit the school gates wall and Norman stopped in front of me almost pinning me to the school gate the second time but this time not flirtishly but more angered.

"No of course not!-" I said to him and he just looked down at me, "Forget it Y/n just let me be in silence when we walk I don't have the mind set to talk right now." He said and then started to walk away again, I just stayed silent and followed him as we walked together.

. . .

It was pitch black outside so it was colder now too but I didn't say anything to Norman about it since I didn't want him to snap at me again.

But mid shivering is silence Norman took off his suits jacket and gave it to me, I was about to say something but he spoke first.

"I may be mad right now but that doesn't mean I would let you get a cold." He said not even looking at me and I just mumbled a quiet "Thank you" to him and continued walking.

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We arrived back at the house and I went straight to my room and laid on my bed hugging my knees thinking threw everything what has happened tonight.

It all started fine with the dancing and forgiving about fighting, then Anna attacked me or well threatened me with a knife, then Emma turned down Norman making him miserable, then Ray kissing Anna and then Norman snapping at me near the school gates..

I laid there alone in the darkness cause I was un bothered to turn on the light, I sighed quietly then closed my eyes for sometime as one single tear rolled down my cheek once again.

I reopened my eyes when I heard a gentle knock on my doors frame and when I turned to look at my door it was slightly opened and in the door way stood Norman, both hands in his pocket. He seemed to have calmed down since yelling to me before.

He silently walked over to me and sat on the floor right in front of me, I sat up on my bed and looked down from my bed right at him. "I came to apologize about yelling at you earlier, my mind was not at the right state and you did not deserve getting yelled at I know you were just worried about me.." He said calmly and I just sheepishly smiled at him.

"Yeah.. I forgive you about that, I know how it must have hurt to get your heart broken.." I said sadly looking at the floor and Norman could see something was wrong, "What happened?" Norman asked me.

I looked at him and took a deep breath before starting to explain everything what happened earlier, how Anna threatened me and how she and Ray were kissing later. Norman listened to me and when I was finished telling him everything he just stood up and hugged me "I'm so sorry you had to go threw that, I didn't know Anna and Ray could be such assholes.." He said and I nodded "Yeah.. I don't want to see Ray for at least a month or two after what he just had done.."

"I wouldn't too if I was you." Norman said and we both went silent. I looked at him and he looked at me. we stayed like that for about 1 minute I think.

. . .

He then stood up a bit then cupped my cheek and then kissed me on the lips and I kissed him back too, but we both quickly pulled away "I- I'm so sorry Y/n I didn't mean to- I mean-" Norman started to apologize and I responded "No- its alright it just happened- You should really blame me I mean I don't know-" We both apologized like crazy and then we both shut up embarrassed 

"I mean.. It wasn't a bad kiss.." I mumbled quietly, and Norman turned to me and softly smiled "Thanks, all though its wrong of me to kiss my best friends girlfriend.." Norman spoke shyly looking away shamefully. "Well then I'll regret the next thing I'll do." After saying that Norman turned to me confused and I went and kissed him instead.

after kissing he spent the whole night in my room instead of his but it was fine by me since I wanted someone who would comfort me any way.

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"Hi, sorry for being gone all these months, deepest apologies. No excuses tho, I've been quite great and life is taking the turn for the better now, except for a few things but mostly good. also WOAH SUCH A PLOT TWIST- oh wait I'm the author wtf author-chan, I know what I am doing I swear lmao"

*Ray wacks A/n in the head*

"they have no Idea."

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