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We lay there breathless after going again. He turns over with a smirk and says "Wanna go again?" I laugh and look over at him while he chuckles. I roll on top of him and kiss him sweetly on the lips while he feels me up.

He flips us so now i'm bottom and kisses down my body towards my hips. He brings his hands up to my breast's and start kneading them, teasing my nipples with his fingertips. This feels amazing. "Derek." i moan out. After kissing my hips he finally goes to the place i want him. He brings one hand down from my breast and spreads my lips. He spits right on my clit almost causing me to explode right there. He dives in and starts passionately making out with my folds, thrusting his hot tongue in, out, in, out. He brings his hand down to my throbbing center and starts doing painfully slow circles.

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I bring my hand down to her throbbing clit and start doing slow circles feeling it swell at my touch. I chuckle to myself while she goes over the edge. "DEREK! HOLY FUCKKK!" Her juices pour into my mouth and i drink them up. She tastes amazing. I keep my hand on her center doing slow circles to ease her while i kiss back up her body looking at her glowing face that's has pleasure written all over it. "Oh that was amazing baby." She compliments, i smile and kiss her. She flips us over so now i'm bottom and goes straight to my iron hard cock. She brings her hand under, grabs my balls and starts massaging them. " Holy shit." I manage to get out. She finally moves to my cock thats standing up at this point. She takes the tip in her mouth and rolls her hot tongue over my slit, licking away the precum that has already surfaced making me throw my head back while i start panting. "Mer, come on please." she hums around me and takes me in her mouth. She was so good at this it amazes me. "Me- Mer i'm close." She brings her hand back to my balls to massage it and that sent me soaring over. " Mer MER MER SHIT! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" my hot cum shoots down her throat she swallows it all turning me on even more if that's possible.

                 She comes back up my body licking her lips from the cum thats still on them. I flip her this time. Align my cock that's already hard again and thrust into her with force. "Holy shit." i breathe out. Her walls are so warm, so tight, so fucking good. She uses her feet and puts them on my ass trying to get me to start thrusting. I go slow letting her adjust for a few seconds. I pick up my pace every fee thrusts feeling myself already at the tip, she must've been close too because her walls just kept closing in on me and god it felt so fucking good. She finally let's go letting the wave take over her body " DEREK DEREK DEREK! OH MY GODDDD! HOLY FUCKKKKK!" her small figure trembles beneath me causing me to explode letting the pleasure to take over my body. "HOLY SHIT MEREDITH!! YOU FEEL SO GOOD! JESUS!" My hot cum shoots deep within her while both of our bodies tremble.

       I get off of her, roll to the side bringing her next to me, liking the feeling of having her so close. "I love you so much." I say softly "I love you more." She says groggily. I hear her soft snores and smile. I kiss her forehead before whispering "Impossible." to her before dosing off.


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