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"Slower baby, slower." Derek managed to whimper out, running his hands through Merediths hair. They were an on call room at the hospital. Merediths pregnancy hormones couldn't wait the 15 minute drive it took to get to the house and dragged him into one of the rooms.

     He had his head thrown back, facing the ceiling while he guided her head up and down on him. Looking up at him through her lashes, she swallowed around him forcing him to give into the pleasure of her warm mouth on him.

     "Oh fuck," he starts, "Mer, you're so good baby, so good. Oh my god." he manages to get, fucking her mouth at this point. She gripped onto his thighs, letting him ride out his orgasm. Once she has swallowed the rest of his seed, he softly pulled her off of him and kissed her. "God baby, I love when you get like this. Drives me mad." he says, smiling into the kiss that was heating up each second. She doesn't reply, only giggles at his confession and pushes him down onto the neatest bed. "You ready for me?" she asks, "Always." he says as she straddles his hips, lining herself up with his already hard cock once again. Slowly, she drops down till she meets his base. Throwing her head back and locking her arms around his neck, she gives herself a few seconds to get used to his size. While she's doing that, derek his ripping his shirt off, mentally preparing himself for another mind blowing orgasm from his mind blowing wife.

            She starts to rock her hips, going to fast for his liking, "Slow baby, slow. Wanna make it last right?" Derek asks through his shallow breaths. Too distracted by the throbbing pleasure she's feeling, she nods along dumbly, moving slower as he requested. "There you go. Feels good, feels so good right?" His words only encourage her to move her hips faster as she continues to nod along at whatever he's saying, not even able to focus on his words. "God you're such a little whore for me? Isn't that right?" Derek says chuckling, grabbing her waists, now guiding her faster and faster, wanting to cum. "Yes. Yes, I'm your little whore." Meredith says, feeling that pressure build up in the pit of her stomach. Catching onto how close she is by the way she's contracting around his cock, he yanks her shirt and bra off, and goes to grab one of her breasts while he sucks her other.

        Moaning out, she says "D-Derek, I'm close."
while rocking her hips faster. "Shh. I know baby I know. You can let go. Let go for me." He talks her through it. That was the push she needed. She then releases around him while he starts to thrust up into her. Now focused on his own pleasure knowing she was more than satisfied by the way she could barely catch her breath. After a few thrusts he let's go. He came so much that it was leaking out around his cock and out of her.

             The only sounds in the room were them trying to catch their breath. "Are you ok?" he asks her, "I'm good. Really good." she replies, he chuckles "Wanna go home now?" He said back. "Yes please." They cleaned up then went home. He cooked her a nice dinner then ran her a bath before they fell asleep peacefully.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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