That's what i thought.

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hi guys.... i'm in the mood to right but i should be working on a project. and idek what this is sooooooooo have fun? Nah i started this shit in march ☠️☠️ LMAOAOAOA

"Cmon guys, let's get you to bed." Mer said walking down the hall towards their room. It was currently way past their bedtime and mer thought 'why not let them stay up a little later? he won't be home til later.'. So she let them stay up and Derek would be home in about fifteen minutes.

After finally getting them down, she was sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in her hands, and she was currently trying to understand the concept of 'Paw Patrol', which was her kids favorite show at the time. Right when she got to the part of them finally catching the cat, Derek came in.

"Hey honey." He said walking towards the couch after taking off his shoes and jacket. Setting his jacket down on the dining room table chairs and putting his shoes on the rack. "Hi baby." She said back smiling at him. He smiled back at her and laid down with his head in her lap. "How was your day?" She asked calmly. "It was okay..woulda been better if you were there to.. you know..." He said suggestively, raising his eyebrows up and down as he speaks with a lopsided smirk on his gorgeous face. She just giggles and says "Come here." He smiles and moves off of her, sitting back on the couch, to the right of her while she got up and straddled him.

"Mmmm..." He said running his hands up and down the small of her back, his hands making their way to unclasp the back of her bra. She just sits back, making her attack on his neck and jaw while her hands go down to his blue button up. Unbuttoning them quickly wanting him to just hurry up and fuck her.

"Baby, Mer, I wanna taste you." He says, his words full with nothing but lust. All she can do is nod, to caught up in him, and he takes that as his signal to start. He picks her up, bringing her to the long, wide part of the couch. Throwing her down on there making her let out a yelp. Lowering himself so his upper body is on the top. Practically laying on the couch but not laying on the couch. He tugs at the shorts he's been wanting to rip off of her the second he saw them. Later tearing them down only to find her without panties.

                "Meredith, have you not been wearing panties this entire time i've been home?" She shakes her head now making a low groan vibrate from his core, making her release a little whimper loving the feeling of him next to her.

"Mer, honey, can you lift your hips?" sliding the pillow underneath while she lifts them, creating a better angle for her pleasure. He lays back down, spreads her legs, and blows on her clit making her shudder from the cool air. "You're so perfect. Have I told you that?" He mumbles out while softly kissing her inner thighs. Kissing everywhere but the place she wanted him most. "I could kiss you all day, baby." He mumbles continuing where he left off. "Please derek." He can't handle teasing her anymore. It had started to hurt him. He needed to taste her.

At that comment, she moans loudly. Derek latching onto her clit, sucking hard and stroking it with his oh so talented tongue. "Oh god." Derek moans at her comment. The thought of him giving her so much pleasure gave him this feeling that he couldn't describe. Maybe it was pride. Maybe not we don't know. He smiles against her clit at the thought, "You gonna cum for me?" He asks softly licking her. "Yes." Is all she can get out, her mind cloudy, eyes shut. "That's my girl." That's all it took. Barely seconds later, and she's a crumbling mess at his hands. Running her fingers through her hair she pulls him up to her. He kisses her, letting them both enjoy the divine taste of her.

He kicks his pants off, quite quickly with the help of meredith pushing his pants down with her feet. Wanting him again. He laughs and grabs her hair, yanking it back and attacking her neck with kisses while thrusting his hips forward and into hers. "God." He groans out, never getting used to how warm and tight she always is with him. "Deeper." She whimpers out. "You already got me baby." He says back thrusting into her. "Please Derek. Deeper." He just chuckles and says "If you say so." She nods while he thrusts harder, lifting her hips more, allowing him to reach deeper at a new angle that made her cry out. He groans loudly, snapping his hips into hers harder and harder, she already knows theres gonna be bruises. "This good enough? This deep enough?" He whispers into her ear. "Y- Yea." She tries to whisper out but it sounds more like a whisper. "What? No more requests?" He whispers kissing the parts of her that he was close too.

                She tried to speak, she really did, "I-" is all that came out. She couldn't even finish her sentence. He let out a chuckle, "That's what i thought." He says, thrusting as hard as he can into her. Her legs starting to quiver, her nails scratching at his back. "One more for me, baby. Cmon, you got it in you." He grunts out into her ear. That's all it took for her to reach her climax. Moaning loudly, clenching around his throbbing cock making him release in her. Both of their moans filling the area.

                   He plops himself on top of her, to lazy to move while she runs her fingertips up and down his back. They sit there for quite some time before going and taking a bath.

    Why do i write this shit?? I don't know 💁‍♀️. HELP KINDA SHORT MY BAD FS

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