under the tree.

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mers pov btw

              "Come on kid's, time for bed. Let's go."
It was currently Christmas eve and Derek wanted Mer to get the kids to bed a little early, so they could get ahead on their wrapping. And maybe have some time for Derek's favorite part of the holiday. Sex.

"You guy's want Santa to come don't you?" She tells the kid's finding it seemingly hard to put them to bed. The question making them nod vigorously up and down. "Okay then go to bed or no presents." She says making the kids run down the hall towards their bedroom, leaving her there with a smile, chasing after them

After tucking the kids in and bidding them their goodnights, she walked back down the hall finding Derek already half way done wrapping. "Hey, i'm back. How'd you get so many done?" He smiles and turns to look at her "Well i wanted to have more time with you." She just laughs while shaking her head and starting her wrapping.

About thirty minutes later, they have all them finished and sorted. He looks over at her with that smirk that made her fall for him exactly like in the bar. "Come here." He says in a deep low voice, grabbing her hips and bringing her towards his lap, facing her towards him. She really has no choice to comply, not that she's complaining. She absolutely loves horny Derek. There's just some times where he gets a little out of hand. One time being now.

    He starts off by just doing little pecks all over her face, moving down to her neck, then down to her collarbone. Which is where he starts sucking. His hands fumbling with the hem of her white blouse trying to get it off wanting to feel her skin against his. Soon enough he got it off, while she was already trying to untie his nike sweatpants. He reaches underneath her thighs and picks her up taking her right below the tree wanting her to see the lights, also because he had never fucked her under the Christmas tree before. "I want you to see these lights while i ruin you." He whispers in her here making her whimper.

He tears off her leggings, pushing his own pants down wanting to already be inside of her. He leans down to her breasts taking turns sucking. He reaches his hand down to take off her panties, to find she didn't have any on. He pauses and pulls away with that delicious smirk. "You had no panties on?" She just nods curtly. "This whole entire time." She repeats her previous actions making him release a low groan. He wastes no time and thrusts into her making her moan loudly. Giving her about half a minute to adjust to his massive size. He starts thrusting. Going slow but progressively moving faster and faster. She lays under him completely under his control, whimpering into his ear while he goes in and out of her. Her whimpers as always drive him fucking crazy making him move faster then before and start pounding into her.

He lays above her on his forearms keeping him from collapsing onto her trembling figure. Releasing those low groans. He leans up, getting off of his forearms, grabbing her hips and wasting no time pounding like never before. Taking her by surprise she screams out at this new pleasurable impact. He looks down and see's his member moving in and out of her fold making him groan. Wanting to feel her trembling already, so he goes even harder.

"D-Derek, i-i'm not g-gonna last. Shit." She manages to moan out as he lifts her legs above his shoulders trying to hit her with a better angle. "Then let go baby." He tells her chasing after his own release, making her release on the way. She cries out as this orgasm rips through her tiny frame. "Derek! H-holy Shit! I... I can't." He doesn't stop wanting to get his own release thrusting one more powerful thrust, feeling her walls clamp down on his pulsating member giving him no choice but to cum.

         "M-Meredith! God! You- ... You feel amazing!" He screams out.

     He pulls out and collapses on her side. Rolling onto her so she's cuddling him. "Merry Christmas baby. I love you so much." He says and kisses his forehead. "I love you more." She mumbles out half asleep. He smiles. Why was she always trying to one up him? He never knew. Wanting to keep this as a core memory for the time he fucked his soulmate under the tree, he waits there for a few minutes before taking her to the bedroom and setting the alarm clock for six thirty to get everything ready then wake the kids up at eight. He crawls towards where he puts her and snuggles up trying to take in her body heat before letting sleep overtake him.

        LOL. merry christmas sorry if it's bad

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