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After all we just dried ourselves for a while and went up..where are here at yeonjun hyung's conditions because there is a pool up there.

"Let's watch some movies" I just nodded and turned on the tv... While I was picking some good movie she suddenly asked causing me to look at her

"Soobin.. Choi, Why did you save me from death?" She asked me In a serious tone

"Cause i wanted to save you .. You said to me, let's Suicide together.. Why would you go first?" I said and continued picking some movies

"You can also drown yourself .. why didn't you do it?" She asked me and I gulped.. Gosh Soobin! Why are you nervous?!

"It's not my time as you said. " I said

"What is your reason Choi soobin? you want to die and then now you change your mind just because of what I said?" She asked me and I looked at her and give her a smile.

Reason.. My reasons.

"Do you want to know my reason?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes. "

I sighed "My Mom died giving birth to me, that day I wanted my self to die because I was the reason why My mom died.

"My dad died because of brain cancer. I didn't do anything that day but to cry and beg to the doctors to treated my dad.... but no one helped and treated my dad because we didn't have any money... So he died  Without even say goodbye to me. " I said while stopping myself not to cry..

Choi Soobin.. Don't cry!

"My grandmother and grandfather died while holding there hands together.. they died because of the old age, My friends died .. because of the car accident .. if I had just joined them.."

"I would probably be dead now." I uttered

"Let it flow.. Let your tears fall. " she said and by that my tears started streaming non stop.

"I want to die to be with them,god's just so unfair because he won't leave even one person next to me.. he took everything, I am  that bad person for him to take everything away from me? I want to die so that I will never be alone, And felt so lonely" I asked her and she wiped my tears away using her thumb.

"Let's just say you're not bad .. it's their time .. they have to come there." She said with a soft tone.. Her voice really calm me down.

"But what about me? I was left behind." I asked.. And continue crying

"That was a part of it.. that was a part of a painful memories that you shouldn't think about anymore. " she said

"Just like my wish.. remove all the pain and just give it to me. You don't have to suffer, but that was a lesson. when you're alone again you will able to do it by yourself." She uttered.. I'm lucky to have her now..

"Just like when I leave you.. You will able to handle the pain I give.." she said and I was confused.. Leave?

"You gonna leave me? I thought you promise?" I asked and she give me her sweet smile.. What about that smile Y/n?

"Don't trust any promises. It's really made to be broken. " she uttered and I shook my head.. No! You'll stay!

"I'm still not sure.. I'm not sure if I'm able to stay with you. " she said while biting her lower lip..

"Cause my time was running and I know any minute.. I need to say goodbye." She uttered and I can't help but burst into tears.

"What was your reason?" I asked while sobbing.

"I can't tell.. Let just sleep. I'm sleepy, Stop crying now." She said and leave me dumbfounded here at the living room


Together with Suicide(Choi Soobin) Where stories live. Discover now