Chapter 17 - Miss You.

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Macey's POV -

It's been a week since Justin left off to the woods to find a pack. I've stayed in bed ever since. The puking has gone down a bit, but it still happens daily.

My cravings are getting worst and I never get full. I miss Justin so much, I listen to his music everyday especially 'Be Alright' It really goes with the mood. My pillow is a fountain of tears.

My tummy hasn't shown yet of course. Mum and Dad are coming today and I made sure that the guys don't tell anything to mum. They don't know about what happened to me or if Justin's involved. Though, they do know that I have been staying in bed and I'm a mess.

I wanted to be presentable for mum and dad, I didn't want them worrying and I was planning to tell them about the pregnancy soon but I wanted Justin to be there too so we could tell his parents and mine together but that's not happening.

I went into the hot shower, letting all my stress out. After that, I wore a pair of leather skinny's and a red flow top.

I curled my hair and headed downstairs'. Mum and Dad were going to come when it's lunch so I thought I'd cook lunch, since there going to come home from all that flight crap and I wanted everything to seem normal.

Miley came in and helped me with everything else that needed to be done. While I was chopping, I was thinking of going to the woods and see if Justin was there. I hope he is around here and when it's full moon, I want to hear him howl and then I'll know he is safe.

I heard the doorbell and started rushing towards the door. I opened the door and saw a jolly mum and dad. I grinned; they literally jumped on me and gave me a hug. I heard the other's come down shouting "Mum and Dad"

"Missed you guys so much" They said.

"We missed you too" I hugged dad.

We all gave each other hugs and then I heard the alarm ringing all around the house, getting louder.

Oh shit the pie, I thought. I ran to the kitchen, jumping over a shoe that was left in the hall avoiding it from tripping. I pulled the oven door open taking out the tray.

Not even thinking of wearing some oven gloves, but used my bare hands which made me burn my fingers because it was fucking hot.

I saw Jamie hitting the alarm with the towel. I got it out with... Oven gloves

and then out came a half burnt pie. My attempt of cooking was a bad idea, even Jamie is a better cook.

Oh god.

"How about we just order a takeaway huh?" Dad suggested, looking at my cooked food in disgust.

I stood there innocently, rocking back and forth, nodding.

"Oh please" "Thank god" "Your food is just ergh" They all said over each other.

I sighed, taking my phone out... Ready to order.

The takeaway arrived and we all ate, asking questions to mum and dad about their anniversary.

I seriously hope I don't get a new brother or sister. I can barely cope with the others.

It was around 4 o'clock, I was going to go the woods soon and see if Justin's there.

It was nearly full moon and maybe if I hear his howl, I'll know he isn't that far away and he's safe.

I went into my room after and jumped on my bed. Unlocking my phone to see a picture of Justin making a funny face.

I went into my music and put on one of Justin's song... One love.

I closed my eyes, listening to his angelic voice.

It was beautiful, and it drowned me to sleep...


It was 5:30; I woke up from my sleep and put on my red coat. I looked in the mirror and fixed my messy hair.

I then headed downstairs, putting on my black boots.

I saw everyone in the living room and called mum.

"Yes, honey?"

"I'm going for a walk"

"Okay, but don't be home too late, it's getting dark." I nodded a yes and headed out.

Going to the backyard, where there was an entrance to the woods.

I sighed, stepping on the rotten leaves, being surrounded by a hundred of trees. I could hear owls and little animals moving.

I carried on walking, looking down thinking of Justin.

I heard something rustling loud and I snapped my head to that direction.


I'm a Monster and You're My Mate (Justin Bieber Werewolf) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now