Chapter 28 - Fairy-tale.

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Justin's POV -

"I need to pee." I whispered internally to Dakota. We stopped before for a few minutes near a river to drink some water because we were thirsty fuckers. yeah? no.

Making a disgusted look she stated, "Well go to that tree far far away from where I am. Please! I do not want to hear the sound of your piss."

I huffed, walking to the tree she told me to go to. Doing my business, I didn't care who was around and I wasn't paying attention to Dakota who is probably looking away right now. But what did catch my attention was a loud gasp a few seconds later of peeing. Stopping, I turned around squinting to see if it was Dakota. But when my eye caught her, she wasn't alone...

Macey's POV -

I stayed up in my room for an hour. Nor did any of them come to me and ask me questions. They just left me here probably giving me some time. I had finished the chocolates and I was starving! Garr.

Coming to conclusion, I thought over and went downstairs not to talk to them and let them rush me with questions... but to get more food.

Chaz was right, I was a fatty.

Walking past the living room I was about to step in the kitchen when someone grabbed me back by the shoulders. "What?" I whined wanting them to get off and let me find some food.

It was Caitlin.

"Ahem" she cleared her throat. "We want answers!" Christian spoke for her. I glared at him and then he squeaked out, "Babe" smiling innocently.

Turning back to Caitlin, I played dumb. "Answers for what?" I looked anywhere else besides there glares.

"Oh don't play dumb. We know you know what we're talking about." Ryan snapped.

"Did you two have a fight?" Hannah asked softly.

I stared at her wide eyed, "Noo, we did not!" I shouted. "Then where is he and why is he there?" I didn't know what to say. I looked at all of them taking in their reactions. Some of them were confused, some of them were a bit angry and upset and some of them look at me up and down. Well I wouldn't say some ... I would say Christian.

I felt tears at the rim of my eyes. I was overwhelmed. Tears were starting to slide down my cheeks. I broke down. I felt broken.

My knees felt wobbly and then I fell the ground. I fell down to my knees and bawled.

I felt a hand around my shoulder. I couldn't see who because the tears were blurring my vision. I heard whispers and fainted talking. "Macey, you got to tell us what's wrong." I heard a female say.

I nodded and sniffed after a few minutes. My tears starting to leave too, I looked up at everyone.

This was going to be hard...

"You guys don't believe me do you?" I looked at all the wide open mouthed faces in front of me. "I'm telling you the truth here and I've seen it myself."

I looked back at them. Their mouths were still gaped open and it was going to take a few minutes until they closed. Sighing, I slouched back in the couch.

"Right, I'm going to give you guys a few minutes or so to fix this in to your heads a'ight? While I take a walk" I got up and grabbed my red coat walking out of the door feeling the cold rush slap me on the face. I knew instantly my cheeks had gone red. I went to the gate of the woods and pushed it open. It creaked and well... fell to the ground, just like that.


Strolling down the forest for a few minutes, I ignored everything around me. My head was empty and all I thought about was the life I had now. I just pictured everything that would have happened if Justin was here and if everyone agreed on everything. I thought about how we would get in trouble for making out in my room and just being the normal teen trouble makers.

I'm a Monster and You're My Mate (Justin Bieber Werewolf) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now