You're my new favorite singer (Hiro)

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A/N: Hiro x Reader!!!
You are heading out of your home with a CD album of your best friend and crush, Hiro's favorite singer. Tonight you and Hiro are having a sleepover at his place. As you open the door to Hiro's house, his aunt, who adores you opens the door to let you in. "___!!!! You came! Come in, come in!" Aunt Cass said. "Hello Aunt Cass. Is Hiro upstairs?" you asked. "Yes, dear. Dinner will be ready in a few!" Aunt Cass said as you walked up the stairs to Hiro's room. "Okay!" you yelled to Aunt Cass who's already in the kitchen. You knocked on Hiro's door and called his name but he didn't reply. Without thinking, you open the door and went inside. You looked around the room, scanning for Hiro but he isn't here. Out of sudden, Hiro's bathroom door open, revealing Hiro with a towel wrapped around him but revealing his torso. "___? Is it time already? Oh! It's already 6!" Hiro said to you who is blushing madly because of his revealed torso. You hide your blush by biting your lip and reply with a smile. "Go change your clothes!" you said in a 'mama' tone. "OKAY MUM! OKAY!!" he said while laughing as you pushed him inside the bathroom. "Never knew you could be so strong, ___" "Now go change that clothes of yours, Hiro" you said in a sassy tone. "Woah, woah sassy pants! Chill! I'm going to change!" he said in a playful manner. Suddenly, he smirked and said, "Like my six packs?" You blushed and said, "There's no six packs. There's only one" while pointing to his thin belly. "Hey! You're insulting me, ___!!" "What? It's the truth!" you said while laughing along with him. "Okay, I better go change before mummy kills me!!" Hiro said in a childish tone. I giggled and said, "Go ahead, go ahead before mummy's gonna come!" Hiro chuckled and went inside the bathroom, leaving you in his room. You heard the door opened and saw Tadashi, Hiro's older brother. "Hey ___. You came for a sleepover again?" he asked you. You nodded as a response and you heard him murmured, "Finally my little bro'a doing it". "Doing what?" you asked. "N-Nothing!" Tadashi replied with a grin that he tried to take it off. "O......kay..." you replied him with a confused look on your face and soon, Hiro came dressed in his usual clothes and greeted his brother. "So...____, brought the CD?" Hiro asked, excited. "Yes" you replied with a grin. "Ermm...____, may I talk to Hiro....alone?" Tadashi asked and you replied with a nod. "I'm just gonna help out Aunt Cass in the kitchen" you replied while walking away to the kitchen. You helped out Aunt Cass to cook and set up the table. After the delicious dinner, Hiro grabbed your arm and pulled you into the living room to watch (your fav movie) since you and Hiro loved it so much. Aunt Cass went out to meet her friend while Tadashi went out to his nerd school to finish up his project. Bit before leaving, Tadashi mouthed 'good luck' to Hiro without you noticing. After the movie ended, he played (your fav song) from the CD he asked for. He reaches out his hand and asked, "May I have this dance?". You giggled and replied, "Sure, m'guy" "Is that even a word, ___?" " my dictionary" you replied with a giggle. "Man....that giggle of yours is dammit cute" he said and you blushed. You and Hiro started dancing to the song and in the middle of the song, you begin to hummed to the melody of the song. "You have a nice voice, ___" he said while smirking. You hide your blush by smiling and said, "Thanks". You keep humming to the song until you stopped by a pair of soft lips upon yours. Your eyes widened when you realized that it's Hiro Hamada, your best friend that has been your crush for years kissed you!! You are so shocked but eventually kissed back. The kiss last long till Tadashi came in. "Hey gu-- oh, wrong timing" Tadashi said while walking back outside again. Hiro chuckled and pecked on your lips one more time and he said, "Can you sing a lullaby for me please?". "Sure," you replied with a smile on your chilly red face. "But before that, what did your brother want to talk to you alone a while ago?" you asked him curiously. He replied, "He asked me if I'm going to make my first move on you tonight. By kissing you." with a tomato red face. You chuckled and kissed his cheek and said, "And you did". "Now can you sing me a lullaby?" Hiro asked. "Okay" you said. Hiro laid his head on your lap while listening to you singing a lullaby. "You know what?" Hiro said. "Yes?" you replied with curiosity.

"You're my new favorite singer"

A/N: So how did my first attempt of writing a Hiro x Reader go? Is it okay? And sorry if it's too long compare to other Big Hero 6 x Reader story. So... do you want a

Cute Tadashi x Reader
Sad Hiro x Reader
(Your choice)

Just comment below and I'll check and see which one got the most votes. Thanks for reading! Bye~


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