Come and go pt.2 (Hiro)

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A/N: Sorry I couldn't update a few days ago because my phone's wattpad got some problems so i'm using the laptop to type this new chappie. It's gonna have a lot of feels. And yeah, it's suppose to be cute but just you wait:) Hope ya'll like it:)


'I will miss you a lot, ____" your boyfriend, Hiro said. It has been a year now and it's time for you to go to another country as said last year.You're at the airport now, ready to take flight. "We'll call, text and video call each other....okay?" you said with tears dreading to flow out of your eyes. "Okay." Hiro said, hugging you tightly and you couldn't hold back your tears. You cried in his arms, knowing that you might not be able to feel his warm hugs again. He caressed your hair and said, " I love you" while crying and you reply back with a 'I love you too.....". "____!!! Time to go! Sorry, Hiro....we'll try to visit soon" your father said. " dear ___, we have to go...we will try to visit San Fransokyo" your mother said. "Mom, how am I suppose to meet him again when you and dad are always busy?" you asked, fraustration creeping up inside you. "We'll...................try" your father replied with a sad tone because he doesn't want to see you cry. "___, if you can't come, I will come for you and I might probably stay with you there" Hiro said, in a verge of tears. You hadn't seen any teenage boy who cry so much like this before. 'He must have been in a lot of pain trying to forget that his beloved girlfriend is leaving although he could call me' you thought with regret filling your heart. "H-Hiro...." "Yes, ___?" Hiro replied. "Promise me you will never forget about me or find another girl" you said, more like croaking because of your crying. "Yes, __..anything for you" Hiro said. "Promise?" "Promise" Hiro replied with his heart aching. "And maybe 'promise' will be our always" you both said in unison, thinking of the moments you spent together to watch the movie, 'The Fault In Our Stars'. "I don't want to ruin your moment but, ___, we have to go" your mother said, watching the loving and cute couple sad to leave each other. You put your hand up to your ear to form a phone shape. "Call me later" you mouthed to Hiro. "Okay" Hiro mouthed back. You hug him and gave him one last kiss before you left with your parents to the aeroplane. Hiro watches as your flight takes off. He stared at your aeroplane with a sad face till your plane is out of sight. Hiro walked back to his home with a unsual sad face. When he reached Lucky Cat Cafe, Aunt Cass and Tadashi was no where to be seen. He saw a yellow note on the table where Aunt Cass makes the drinks.

I am so sorry Hiro but I couldn't accompany you this evening. I have some deliveries to make. Anyway, cheer up! ____ is not gone forever. She will call you, text you and visit you soon. Don't stress out too much:( Oh, and, your brother, Tadashi is at his school:) — Aunt Cass

Hiro went up to his room and lay on the bed, holding the picture of you and him which was taken during your picnic date which was five days ago. "I miss you already even though it only has been a few minutes......I wonder how much more I'll miss you after few days passed..." Hiro said with tears trying to fall out but couldn't because he hold it back. He knew he had to be strong for you. With sadness filing his heart, he drifted off to sleep.

~~**The Next Day**~~

Hiro's POV

"HIRO! WAKE UP!" Aunt Cass said with fear in her voice. It's in the middle of the night and I have to wake up from my wonderful dream of ___. " have to see this" Aunt Cass replied with worry while pointing to the news on TV. I looked at the TV, half asleep and the annoucer said, "There had been a plane crash this evening. It turns out, the plane that had crashed is actually heading to California. There weren't far from here and the Frost Hospital is the nearest to the area the plane had crashed. Therefore, the passengers are brought to that hospital". "SHE"S IN A PLANE CRASH?!" I said while quickly grabbing my jacket and shoes and I ran out of the stall and to the hospital.

~~**In the hopital**~~

"Sorry, miss. I'm in a emergency. Can I know where's ___'s room?" I said while holding back my tears. "Room 35, 3rd floor, sir" the nurse replied. "Thanks" I replied while running to the elevator but I have to wait for a long time so I went up the flight of stairs. 'Ground floor'...................I thought after running up like, 10 stairs. 'Lobby......' I went up 10 more stairs. '1st floor.....' "Another 20 stairs to go.....huh...." I said while catching my breathe. With tiredness, I collapsed to the ground and I sat on the stairs. 'No, I MUST continue.........for ____' I thought before dashing off to the 3rd floor. In a matter of seconds, I reached 3rd floor. 'So this is the power of love' I thought while walking to room 35. I gather my strength and walk to the door of room 35. As I open the door of room 35, I saw ___ lying there on the bed. I collapsed to the seat next to her bed and cried. I know I shouldn't be crying now but who wouldn't cry when they see their girlfriend with her head wrapped up in bandage and one of her leg are broken? Soon after, a white-haired doctor came in. The doctor asked me if I'm her family. I said, "No....I am her boyfriend....but please can you tell me what happened to her?" "Her..her-her family didn't make it.." Dr. James said. "But she did..." he continued. "W-What?" Oh no, she will fall into depression like me if I told her about this..... "T-t-thanks" I replied quietly. 'Can she go through this pain?' I thought. "H-Hiro?" said a voice. "___!!!" I said as I hug her tightly....well, a little too tight. "Knucklehead! I can't breathe!" "Oh,sorry" I replied, sheepishly grinning.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner and I stopped part 2 here but I swear there is still part 3. Part 3 is gonna be super romantic so........yeah. The reason why there is part 3 is because I am lazy to type everything in here now and also because I know you guys are waiting for an update so...why not? Oh and, thanks for all your support and love for this story! LOVE YA READERS!!! Anyway, nowadays I am addicted to reading "The Mortal Instruments". If you are reading it, let's say together, "JACE+CLARY ROCKS!!!!!!". Ok, I LOVE LOVE LOVE them so much! Anyway, can you guys do me a favor? Follow me on instagram; @x_xhuix_x. THANKS GUYS!!!!


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