Stepbrother pt. 1 (Tadashi)

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A/N: Bad boy Tadashi huehuehue but don't worry, no smut. Annnndddd cutie Hiro 😍 Sorry for being a bish and neglect my wattpad readers. Thank you for your support! I mean it. I'll update more often as its my holiday so......yeah. Enjoy!!


"(Y/N)!" Ms. Akeira shouted for her daughter. "Yes, mom? I'm here." I walked in the kitchen. "What's up?"

"I'm going to have a date with Mr. Hamada here tonight. I need some inspiration of what to cook for him." She paced the room. "Okay, mom. Chill," I took a seat on the high chair of the dining table. "What's his favourite?" "He has no favourite food!" "What?" I rested my chin on the palm of my hand.

"He loves every food. Even bitter gourd." I cringed in disgust. "Ew, mom." She looked at me, "I know right. But since he likes it....." She shrugged her shoulders. "He can help vacuum the food I don't like."

Although my mom is like 42, she has a mind of a 13 year old. I shook my head in disbelieve. "Weird but true." I agreed with her. "Exactly! So what should I cook?" I stared at her. "Just cook your specialty. Like you said, he vacuums everything basically." I decided to chill in the living room, relaxing on the sofa as I watch Netflix.

'Hmm, Vampire Diaries sounds good.' I thought. "Okay, thanks for your help!" Mom shouted from the kitchen. "No problemo," I replied, turning the TV on. I sighed in bliss as I wrap the blanket around me.

I must have fallen asleep while watching Netfkjx or something because when I woke up, a pair of deep, warm brown eyes staring straight at me. My eyed widened in shock as I sat up straight, looking at my mom and the male figure beside her. I recognised him as Mr. Hamada. He was holding the hand of a young boy who looked like he is around 8-9 years old. I looked back at the brown eye dude standing beside me. I looked at him and I could immediately recognise him as Mr. Hamada's son. Their features are so similar that I nearly thought that he is Mr. Tadashi's brother.

Don't judge me kay, he looks as young as his son. Probably just a few years older.

I smiled at Mr. Hamada, remembering to show good manners. "I'm sorry for the lack of attention on your presence." He smiled at me, impressed. "No problem, dear. Hiro, say hi!" He gently grab his son's tiny hands, making him wave at me.

"Hi, Hiro." I stood up and let the blanket fall away from my lap. I bent down and reached for his tiny palm. "I'm (Y/N)."

"Erm, (Y/N), your shorts." My mom warned me. I then realised that I'm still in my short short shorts. "Oh, um, sorry." I covered my bare thighs with the blanket. "Don't worry, we are gonna be a family after all, no need to be shy around us." Mr. Hamada assured, glancing at his 17 year old son. "Tadashi," he gestured for Tadashi to greet me.

"Hi, (Y/N)."

"Hi, Tadashi."

Me and Tadashi had always been awkward ever since we met. We've barely talked and had no reason to. We just had this huge and tall wall of border between us two. I already tried talking to Tadashi but he just keep giving me the cold stare, not even a short response was said. I gave up after my mom's 57th date. And it continued that way after 20 dates after.

Yes, my mom went on so many dates with Mr. Hamada and seriously it's so frustrating at times because just get together already! Like dude, you need some guts added to your body just so you have enough guts to propose to my mom. She's limited edition you know, best selling. Better get her before she runs out.

"Julia, what's for dinner?" Mr. Hamada wrapped his one arm around my mom's waist, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Oh, just my specialty," she giggled. "Oh? I see," he winked at her.

I pretended that I gagged on their cheesiness, making a sound of disgust. "Ew, get a room!" I joked.

I swear I saw Tadashi's lips quirked up a smile smirk but not even a second later, his lips went back to its straight, emotionless line. In my mind, I felt this mini victory in my head yet a small disappointment of failing to make Tadashi smiled longer, and brighter.

I turned to Tadashi and smiled a little, just to acknowledge him. He stared at me blankly, not a single emotion suppressed on him face. I ignored that, kneeling down to face Hiro. "Hiro, let's shoo the adults away shall we?" I grinned playfully. "Yeah!" Hiro giggled. I smiled, holding his hand.

"Now say, shoo, lovebirds!"

"Shoo, lovebirds!"

Mom just shook her head at me. "I wonder if you'll be a good influence or a bad one to Hiro." Mr. Hamada laughed. "Definitely a good one."

"Yeah right," she laughed, the twinkle in her eyes visible.

As I watch the two in adoration, I noticed from the side if my eye that Tadashi was looking at me. I met his stare, eyes mocking his dead stare. He furrowed his eyebrows and I did too. The stare seemed to go on for a long time until I burst out laughing at the death stare.

Mom turned to me. "What's so funny?"

I made my laugh halt to a stop. "Nothing." I smiled at my mom then turn to wink at Tadashi. I guess him being my stepbrother wouldn't be as lame and no fun as I thought.

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