Relationship that lasts long pt.3 (Hiro)

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There he is. The groom-to-be.

Hiro hide behind the dark curtains, waiting for Take or whatever his name is to start talking. "I hate you, Take." He heard (Y/N) spit her words out. Her words were like knives, no, few thousands of butcher knives pierced deep into a soul. If those words were said to Hiro, he couldn't imagine how depressed he would be.

"I know," he robotically replied.

"Why did you even agreed to this anyway?" (Y/N) cursed at him. "It wasn't my choice," Takeshima replied. "I have a girlfriend. And I had to leave her in the middle of our date for god's sake, just to pick you up from your boyfriend's apartment!" He raised his voice. "Do you know how bad I feel for leaving my girlfriend behind?"

"Okay, so we are on the same boat. So, what happens next?" (Y/N) snapped. "We can't just run away, my parents and yours will find us anyway and you wouldn't wanna know what happens next," he said.

"Why not we continue with the marriage?" She said. "What?!" He exclaimed.

"After 2 weeks, we divorce." Her words were like knives at your throat and if you forbide her, the knife will be pierced though your throat.

"I don't think we could do that," he said. "Why not?"

"If we divorced, we will end up in lots of trouble. Company problems, lost of money and everything."

"Well I know that, but are you willing to sacrifice all that for your girlfriend?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes," he was determined. "Are you?" He asked.

"Obviously, that's why I suggested it to you in the first place. Duh," she sassed.

'Seriously, (Y/N)?' Hiro thought.

"I'll get going now," Hiro heard the smile in Takeshima's voice. "Bye," she said, not leaving any other words.

Hiro jumped out of the curtains. "(Y/N)," he called out. "H-Hiro?" She asked. "You genius brat," she hugged him tight. "So you heard everything?"

"Yes," Hiro hugged her even tighter.

"So will you be fine without me for 2 weeks?"

"Can't I just sneak into your place?" Hiro whispered against her hair.

"Oh yeah, that's a good idea," she agreed, taking in his scent. She kissed his collarbone. "Which means Takeshima's girlfriend can sneak in too," she hummed.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"And I love you, Hiro Hamada."

~~2 weeks after Takeshima and (Y/N)'s wedding~~

"Fill in the papers, Miss (Y/N)," their lawyer said.

She took her pen and signed the papers. Takeshima had already signed the papers.
(Y/N) and Taekshima agreed that they will end in good terms, as good friends. Theur parents didn't know about this. And they knew their parents will take away everything, even cut ties with them. For Takeshima, he is already the CEO so he has nothing to worry about. But he is genuinely concerned about (Y/N). "I'll be fine with Hiro," she had said many times. Takeshima introduced his girlfriend to (Y/N) as she had done with Hiro to Takeshima.

"The confirmation will be made tomorrow, rest well miss," he bowed.

"Thank you, Lucas."

He left the newly wed couple's mansion.

"Shima?" A lady's voice called out. "Sorry, Hannah, Takeshima's not here. He left for work," (Y/N) answered her 'husband's girlfriend.

"(Y/N), I am gonna cook breakfast, what do you want?"

"I'm fine with anything, Hannah," (Y/N) leaned back. "Hannah, after all these papers are confirmed and when my parents kick me out, you can marry Takeshima." "Are you sure?" "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

"I just.....thought perhaps you might have fallen for Takeshima--"
"Hannah, I won't steal him away from you. Besides, I love my boyfriend. Don't worry, you are my friend and I don't hurt my friends," she said gently.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." Hannah smiled.

Suddenly, the door was slammed against the wall.

"Hannah, hide," (Y/N) whispered. "(Y/N)!" her father called. She replied by walking in to face her furious father. "How dare you divorce Takeshima? You know how important the contract--"

"Then why can't you just settle it?" She calmly replied. "What?"

"Why can't you approach Takeshima's father and just deal with it? Why should I marry his son?"

"He's hard to persuade--"

"AS IF YOU TRIED!" (Y/N) was getting frustrated. "I don't f***ing care about your company, as you've never cared about MY life. You are selfish, arrogant, SHAMEFUL. Do you even think mom sided with you? She did so just because she was scared...OF YOU. And I don't care whether you took all my money, property and belongings. I don't care at all. Take it already, sell them and earn more money. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE RIGHT? Money. All this money is yours. I don't need it." She handed out her purse and her phone. "I just need my own life, thank you very much." She pushed her father out the door. "You don't deserve a single respect from me." She slammed the door. "Mom....are you okay?" (Y/N) reached out for her hand. And when she did, her mom winced. "W-What." Then she saw her mother's wrist, bleeding. And on her mom's neck were bruises, purple. The blood was flowing fast, making (Y/N)'s mom unconcious.

"Oh my god...." Hannah rushed in and covered her mouth when she saw the sight. "CALL THE AMBULANCE. NOW!" (Y/N) panicked.

When the ambulance brought the lady to the hospital, Takeshima's parents came.

"Hi, (Y/N)," they said gently. "Don't worry. We knew this would happen soon anyway." Takeshima's father said. "We knew he loves Hannah but your father pushed us into this whole engagement. We were told right on the day of the wedding so we ddin't have time to stop it. My apologies for not noticing this sooner."

"You don't have to apologies, it's alright."

Suddenly, (Y/N)'s phone ringed.

Your credit card is unavailable.

So he has started, eh?

You have officially signed off your contract with (L/N) company.

Your car key is no longer available.


Your contract to divorce Takeshima has been confirmed.

As soon as she got that message, she didn't care if she seemed rude. She walked past Takeshima's parents and went out the door. She ran and ran, heart screaming in joy.

Free. I am finally free.

I ran towards the apartment where it's near Aunt Cass's cafe, the apartment where memories stored. Hiro was waiting outside, oblivous that she's here.

She hugged his back tightly, "Hiro, we are free."

A/N: Woah guys, 1130 words excluding this author's note. Legit! Sorry for the delay btw, and I hope you have a nice day:)

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