Boyfriend in a box (Tadashi)

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A/N : This was supposed to be a valentine's day thing but I made up my mind and decided to make it not a valentines special but rather, a cute lil fluff here so yeah, here you go!


The door was barged open by a panicked Y/N. "Quick, get in!" She open the door wide enough for the tall, broad-shouldered man to come in with his arms occupied with the huge box containing all the necessities. Once he was in your living room, he pulled on his cap, smiling dashingly and said his advertise. "Hi, I am Tadashi Hamada, your boyfriend in a box. Thank you for purchasing the deal--"

"Just prepare it already." Your impatience caused Tadashi to chuckled as he got to work. He pulled out a table cloth from the box he was carrying and placed it neatly on the dining table. Like lightning, he places the plates and utensils on the table, adjusting flowers on the vase in the middle of the table, placing decorative cushions on the four seats. He got the pre-made turkey wrapped in foil out and he instantly puts it in the oven. It should be ready in 5 minutes which is the perfect timing as his client's cousin is coming in 4 minutes from now.

He whipped out plates after plates of dishes, surprising Y/N. "Is this how it's like?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He used his arm to wipe the sweat forming on his forehead, turning around to look at you and said, "Can you do me a favor?"

You crossed your arms. "What is it?" "Tie your hair up in a messy ponytail and roll up your sleeves. Also, run from the living room to the kitchen 10 times." His strange request got you off guard. "Excuse me?" "You heard me. Quick, before they arrive." At that, you hurriedly tie your hair up and do as he comply, fuming as you ran around your apartment. 'I might sue this company if things go wrong,' you thought in your head.

Tadashi then took out pasta, salad, steak and some appetizers. Wait, where did he even get that chocolate brownie from? 'Damn, it really comes in a full package,' as you eyed not only the food but also Tadashi, checking him out from top to bottom. 'They really pay attention to the details,' you thought as you resume your run, turning your focus back to running and away from the distracting boy the company sent as your 'boyfriend' for the night.

Your cousin literally invited herself for a dinner with you tonight, bringing along her boyfriend and probably, fiance. No doubt your cousin just wanted to rub in your face tonight about how you will never get a boyfriend, and nag you about your messy lifestyle, evident from your apartment. You had no choice but to follow as she request or else, you won't be getting your tickets to watch your favorite band from your mother. If you were on your annoying cousin's good side tonight, she will return home with no complains to your mom, meaning free tickets! The last time they had dinner, while you and your cousin were fighting, her mother gave a goddamn ticket to your younger sister who somehow managed to be patient throughout the whole thing, only smirked at you devilishly when she got the tickets you so desperately wanted.

You have your one shot this time to get the ticket before they disbanded. Even more determined, you rushed to finish up your 10 rounds. You don't know how or when but when you were done running, Tadashi is already dressed in a freshly pressed suit without a coat and his white sleeves were rolled up as he gestured for you to quickly change. "2 minutes," he grinned and you smiled, perfect timing. You hurriedly rush to the bathroom and the plan was for you to shower for 5 minutes -- 3 minutes late to show how much you care about your appearance but yet making it seem like it was still pretty early. When your oh-so-welcomed guests arrived, Tadashi was going to deal with your cousin sister, praising her and then twisting the tides around to complimenting you. The main plan was to make her jealous as stated right at the top of your contract and if the headquarters think Tadashi is the right man for it, you'll have to put your trust on him for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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