A/N I'm going to do the next couple chapters in POV's and then go back to third person. I think it'll be easier and better to focus on the ✨drama✨
Amity POV:
I ran out of there as fast as I could. This could not be happening right now. It felt like a nightmare. Luz told me about how Jessica treated her and she gets back with her? I heard Boscha and Skara call after me and I stopped running, breathing heavily. They finally caught up to me.
Breathing heavy like me, Boscha spoke. "I don't know what her deal is but I'm sure it's some misunderstanding, if you talk to her-". "No, there's no point", I said with my back towards my friends. "What do you mean there's no point?", Skara asked. I sighed and turned around. "What do you want me to say?", I started. "Oh Luz I'm in love with you and I hate that you're with Jessica", I said pretending to be swooning.
My two friends looked at me. "Yeah basically", Boscha said. I shook my head at her sat on the sidewalk. "Clearly Luz Isnt into me", I said. "Also we already know how Jessica is". "That's bullshit", Boscha says. "Yeah ams there's no way she isn't", Skara agreed . "You know, sometimes I wonder, what is it like her her shoes". I said. "Whos's? Jessica's?", Boscha asked. "Yep", I replied. "Why's that", skara asked. "Jessica doesn't hesitate. She exhibits no restraint. She takes, and she takes, and she takes and she keeps winning anyway", I say standing up mad.
"Changes the game , plays and she raises the stakes. And if there's a reason she seems to thrive when so few survive, then goddamnit I'm willing to wait for it". I turn away. "I'm willing to wait for it", I say quietly to my self before walking towards the school. It was kind of cold out and I forgot my jacket. Typical me. I don't go back though. I keep moving forward. I think about the times Luz and I had. Luz. Why am I still thinking about her?
I see the building coming into the distance. I reached the doors which were unlocked still so that helped. I walked up stairs and to my dorm. I hesitantly turned the knob. She wouldn't be in here, would she? I went for it and opened the door. She wasn't here. Good. Part of me wanted her to be. Part of me thought talking to her could maybe fix whatever was broken I guess. Something just didn't feel right with the whole situation.
Maybe it's reality catching up with me trying to tell me I can't actually be happy. I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. A nice shower would probably help me relax a bit. I turned on some music, trying to avoid anything that reminded me of Luz. Then I thought about the song, the competition. There's no way I could skate with her now.
My mind would not be in the right place. I finally found a song, pressed play and got ready to get in. Literally every song was making the situation worse. I washed my hair and hurried out. I needed something else to distract me. I got dressed and started to blow dry my hair. Once I finished that, I went and sat on my bed.
What can I do to take my mind off of this? If I hang with my friends they'll just ask if I'm ok a hundred times. The twins? No that's a last resort. A resort that I might have to, well, resort to. I call em and asked what they were doing. Apparently they were out with Viney and Jerbo. The twins stayed at the manor even though they're old enough to move out.
They work here for sport events like hockey games. Hockey. Luz. Omg I need to stop. I lay down and scream in my pillow. I then turn over and lay on my back. "How in the hell am I supposed to perform without a partner", I say out loud. I think about the song again and got a thought.
I look over to Luz's side of the room and saw the notebook on her desk. Should I? No. That's invasion of privacy. Well it is our song. Was our song. No I can't. Instead, I pull out my phone and texted Boscha to see if she had made it to her dorm. She replied yes and asked if I needed company. Great she already knows. I told her yeah and she told me I could come over.