Republic of China Prostitute x Chaebol's Second Young Master (13)

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Liu Zi's hands are clenched tightly, her back is straight, and her eyebrows are not completely devoid of room for maneuvering, but instead are talking about something.

The two stood in a stalemate for about a quarter of an hour, and Liu Zi slowly faded that defense and became a little weaker.

She buried her head between her legs, and whispered: "Second Young Master, Liu Zi can't afford it."

Looking at her like this, Wu Weilun couldn't let her down. He followed her and said: "I'm not playing just for a while. If I was just playing, I wouldn't marry you into my house."

If it were the women before, he wouldn't care at all, and he didn't even bother to worry about what they would do later.

Only Liu Zi made him a little unbearable.

Will care about what she will do afterwards, care about the man afterwards, and care if she cares about him.

The mood of worrying about gains and losses is like the feeling of being scratched by a cat.

He gently sat next to Liu Zi, put his arm around her shoulders, and circled her in his arms, "What are you worried about?"

Liu Zi was soothed by his posture, her body gradually relaxed, and she raised her head and said, "Second Young Master, you will have a wife in the future. Even if you give me a promise now, it will be unfair to your future wife. "

"Then let's talk about it from another angle." Wu Weilun gently kissed Liu Zi on the cheek, "In the future, do you still want to marry someone and be a righteous lady?"

His hands patted Liu Zi's back with rhythm, and he threw the question to Liu Zi abruptly.

"I..." Liu Zi found that this question was not easy to answer immediately.

Wu Weilun smiled at the corner of his mouth and continued: "Then let's assume that if Zi'er wants to be a wife in the future, how will she choose people."

"You will definitely choose a scholar, and his family must be rich," he said, touching Liu Zi's face, "Otherwise, you can't protect your family, right."

What Wu Weilun said was reasonable, and Liu Zi couldn't refute it inmediately.

"Zi'er's pen name is quite interesting, Mu Mao. If it hadn't been checked, I wouldn't know that Zi'er is so good."

Liu Zi's body became tense at once, she looked back at Wu Weilun, pursing her lips, and said nothing.

Wu Weilun looked at her tense posture, and the smile on his mouth became more real. He felt that until this moment in the conversation, the rest was much simpler.

He held Liu Zi methodically, playing with Liu Zi's fingers in his palm. She was white and slender, which he especially liked.

Raising her hand, he kissed her fingers one by one, feeling dissatisfied, he licked again.

"Will Zi'er be my wife?" Wu Weilun asked contentedly until Liu Zi's fingers were full of his taste.

The man's topic changed too quickly, it was like digging a hole first and waiting for her to jump. If she didn't jump, he would change the direction and make a trap.

Liu Zi wanted to withdraw her hand, but Wu Weilun's strength was so great that she couldn't pull it back. She twisted her eyebrows and said: "Second Young Master, don't be joking. Liu Zi can still be the Second Young Master's concubine. Now she is the first wife, what does the Second Young Master mean?"

Suddenly it was difficult to guess the mind of this man.

Wu Weilun sniffed the scent of Liu Zi with some obsession, and the faint scent after the bath lingered around him, "Zi'er knows it, if you want to leave this circle in the future, it's not that simple."

"Zi'er is so beautiful, there are no longer a few people watching you."

"I believe you can endure a slightly poorer life, but if the person who is by your side finds that his life is getting harder and harder, and then knows that it's all because of you, do you think he will endure it? "

To rectify an ordinary person, it is not difficult for Wu Weilun, not just him, to really expand this range, he believes that many people will be willing to step on it.

Liu Zi had the answer almost instantly, and she understood what Wu Weilun wanted to express.

She didn't even think about marrying an ordinary person, and she didn't even think about having a peaceful life in the future.

"Zi'er, you know, it's actually not a sin to be beautiful." Wu Weilun thought about it. It is not easy to make Liu Zi his wife, but it is not unfeasible.

"Weakness is the reason for being beaten." There is no way to resist, that is sorrow.

A capable and beautiful girl, who doesn't like it, at least feels that there is nothing wrong with it, and he is even happy to have such a result.

"If Zi'er can become better, can you marry me?"

This man was too unexpected for Liu Zi. Originally thought he had fainted, but she didn't expect that he now thought so clearly. The suggestions given are also very feasible.

However, Liu Zi didn't believe that Wu Weilun would give such a suggestion so kindly.

Liu Zi's suspicious gaze was immediately noticed by Wu Weilun. He held Liu Zi's face and kissed her lips, biting her tongue with a bit of anger.

Followed her back to her hips, squeezed her buttocks, "Why look at me with such suspicion, huh?"

The pain caused Liu Zi to take a breath, and she pushed Wu Weilun, "Is the second young master crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, I'm just considering the possibility of us being together."

He didn't care what his concubines had, but his brother did. Then he could only make Liu Zi stronger.

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