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Emily leads me up to a room, one of two upstairs. Inside there is a small bed. From here I can tell that the sheets are scratchy, not that I mind. There are a few boxes pilled up in the room, and a dresser, but otherwise the space is empty.

I look out the large window, and from there she can see a backyard. There is a massive fire pit, and a few chairs scattered around it. I can tell the chairs were initially white, but they have turned into a muddy grey from the weather.

Everything about this place reminds me of a home that has always been a bit out of reach. It's cozy and soft, and I crave it.

"We've been meaning to make it a nursery, but we haven't had the time," Emily sighs from behind me. "We've been engaged for years, and haven't had the time to get married. We're so busy with Sam's friends."

I think that is an odd thing to preoccupy one's time. I don't dare argue with Emily though.

"Thank you for having me here," I say instead. I continue to peer around the room, analyzing the chips in the paint in the wall and the dirty carpet, from too many feet walking across it.

Emily smiles. "After what Embry did to your poor arm? It's not a problem."

"He was helping me," I tell her, trying to make sense of all that went down. Even now, the moment is still too fast in my head. One minute on the sidewalk, the next being yanked backwards, my nose narrowly missing a car whizzing by me.

"Do you have a bag?" Emily asks.

I freeze. My entire life is in that bag and it's not on my back. I remember Embry taking it off as she got into the car.

I rush out of the room and practically leap down the stairs. I dart past the three men, who are still speaking in hushed voices. From there, I make it to the car and open the backdoor.

Inside is my bag. I grab it and drag it up into the house.

"You're in quite the hurry," Sam points out. "What's in that?"

I close my eyes, trying to create another space of pause. I crave silence. "A few documents."

"So, you're really not going home then, huh?" Sam asks.

I nod.

Without another word, I head up the stairs, where Emily is waiting. The woman raises an eyebrow at me.

"Got it?" she asks.

I nod. I put the bag down on the ground next to the bed, and sit down on the sheets. The mattress springs groan under my weight. It's rigid and hard, but I haven't slept properly in far too long.

"Is it okay if I take a nap?" I ask Emily.

Emily smiles. "You don't need to ask. I'll let you get settled in. We'll figure out how we can best help you in the morning."

With one last glance, Emily leaves the room.

I do try to sleep when Emily leaves, I really do. I take off my hearing aids and replace the batteries since they are low. From there, I curl up into a ball on the bed and try my best to lull myself off to sleep. My shoulder still has a dull ache that radiates down my arm, and I feel freezing in this house. Sam and Emily must not even have a heater.

I realize that I don't know either of their last names, and they don't know mine. Maybe I shouldn't even be trusting these people. Emily seems kind enough though, and I am out of options.

SENSELESS : Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now