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Jacob Black has a bad feeling about everything. After the last few years of turmoil, it was practically impossible to believe that anything good could possibly come from today, especially when he was standing on the Cullens' welcome mat, a hand hovering over the door waiting to knock.

A blonde woman opens the door. Describing her as a woman is a stretch of the word. She looks young, the age of a high schooler. Though of course, she is actually much older.

"I could smell your stench from up the road," she says, but she steps away to let him in.

"Good morning to you too, Rosalie," in the many years he has paid visit, Jacob has learned that it is best not to engage with her. Except for the time that she made him food and put it in a dog bowl, he has steered clear. Where she got the food and the dog bowl was beyond him, but he made a point to throw it at her. "Where's Bella?"

Rosalie shrugs him towards the kitchen.

As he walks inside, he spots the smallest Cullen lying on the floor with massive headphones over her tiny ears. Her brown wavy locks run over the ground, and her nose is scrunched tightly. He waves at Renesmee, who glances at him, and proceeds to stare back at the ceiling.

"She's going through an emo phase," a man's voice calls from the other room.

"Isn't two a little young for an emo phase?" Jacob turns around and heads into the kitchen.

There, his friend Bella, and her ever-nuisance of a husband Edward sit together. Jacob came to steal Bella away for a coffee (one he would drink and she would watch him swallow) and was hoping to avoid any conversation with her husband. When Edward sees Jacob, the quirk of a smile flashed on his face.

"What?" Jacob's mouth tastes funny, and he isn't sure if the distaste stems from Edward's smell or his demeanour.

"Alice is thinking about you," Edward points out.

Bella bites her lip and looks over at Edward. It occurs to Jacob that she hasn't yet said a word to him. The longer that they've been out of high school, the thinner their relationship spreads. He still likes her, of course he does, but their lives are different now.

While she is a vampire, he is a shapeshifter. They are automatically at odds.

"Alice?" Jacob repeats.

"I can hear her upstairs," Edward says, looking up. "She's being particularly loud."

Jacob considers stepping onto the chair next to him and knocking on the ceiling, but he knows that Bella wouldn't appreciate him putting his feet anywhere near the table.

"What have you been up to lately?" he asks, looking over at Bella.

Bella casts another glance at her husband. "Same old, same old."

"We might have to move soon," Edward points out. His eyes crinkle. "Maybe up to Alaska."

"How soon is soon?" Jacob asks.

They are interrupted by footsteps running down the stairs after them.

"You'll never believe the vision I just had," the voice is high-pitched and cheery, practically singing.

She hits the bottom and sees Jacob, and she purses her lips. She takes a step back, looking amongst the others with wide eyes.

Jacob looks from Alice to Edward. "Wait, was it about me? I thought you couldn't have visions with us in them?"

"I can't. Not really," she says, giving Edward the side-eye.

He chuckles, and his arms wrap around Bella's waist.

Jacob waits for her to elaborate. His hands are crossed over his chest. He doesn't dare look away from Alice's golden eyes. All of the Cullen's have the same colour eyes, which betrays their vampirism.

"There was a bonfire somewhere on the reservation," Alice says. "You reek. Can you shower before you come here next time?"

"What did you see?" Jacob reiterates.

Alice sighs, "I just saw some sort of bonfire. A few girls were there, that's all."

"What did they look like?" Jacob presses on. He can feel himself curling his hands into fists. "Were they Quileute?"

Alice shakes her head. "Most of them were, but not one of them. She was almost blonde, with dirty clothes."

"Maybe she's your imprint," Edward laughs, leaning back in his chair.

The thought stiffens Jacob. Someone's imprint, maybe even his. The other women might be Kim, Emily, Rachel, or other girls belonging to Sam's pack. All of them are imprints. Except for some blonde chick, apparently. There are a few of the boys who have imprinted on non-Quileutes. A ginger among them, two brunettes. No blondes, however. There are only a few left in the pack who haven't imprinted. It's just him, Embry and Seth.

Bella looks up at Jacob, and he watches as her face tightens. She rolls her eyes at Edward and offers Jacob a gentle smile. "It could just be some girl."

"Not at a bonfire," he points out. Bonfires are special and are only for members of the pack.

"It could be Embry's imprint," Bella continues on, the ghost of a smile on her face.

Jacob takes a deep breath in. He is grateful for the air that enters and exits his lungs. He's only eighteen, and he hasn't aged since he was sixteen (thankfully, he looks older than he physically is). He is thankful that, unlike the bloodsuckers around him, he has many years more to breathe. Many, many more than he cares to admit.

He wants that freedom forever. He doesn't want his own air to belong to her, or to anyone else for that matter.

His phone vibrates in his pocket, and he doesn't want to check it, but it vibrates again.

On the screen are two messages from Sam.

Bonfire tonight. Is your pack coming?


Sam has always been a little less than patient.

"Shit," Jacob mutters.

Edward grins, and Jacob is ready to smack the look off his face. "Get out of my head."

"You think she's going to be there," Edward asks.

Bella pulls herself off the chair. She comes over to Jacob and rests a hand on his shoulder. "You're jumping to conclusions. It could be just some random girl."

"You don't know that," Jacob shrugs her off. "Why would a white girl be at a bonfire if she wasn't somebody's imprint?"

"What are you going to do?" Alice asks.

He looks down at her. She is easily the size of one of his legs. He knows very well that, if she wanted to, she could probably kill him in a few seconds. Not that she ever would, unless she wanted to cause a full-out war.

It feels weird that she has both gotten him into the mess, and gotten him out of it. "I need a spoon to carve my eyes out."


I like this a lot. Like, a lot. Also, I may have already written almost the entire thing, just editing it over and over again now. Let me know what you think so far. Are you ready to meet Fawn?

SENSELESS : Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now