Chapter One

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I wake up on a rainy Monday morning at 07:15 to get ready for my first year of high school, freshman year. I am nervous about it. I don't have many friends and i normally like staying out of the way and to myself.

So i put on my black leggings and my black hoodie. I make sure I pack my umbrella for walking back to the car.

"Kaniah! I am almost ready, are you??" My older sister says.

"I am just now waking up, girl." I get out of bed and brush my teeth. My sister is already there...

She's doing her hair and make-up for this cute guy she likes at school. Once I'm done brushing my teeth, I head downstairs and grab a pop-tart from the pantry.

I ran back upstairs to tell my mother bye.. But she is on the phone. At 07:23. It's just a little sad that my mother wouldn't get to wish me a good first day.

No biggie, I go into my younger sister's room to see if she is awake. Of course.. She is, that kid never sleeps. After i tell her to have a good day, i give my dog Leo a few treats and head to the car outside. I am on my way.. To what is going to be the death of me: school.




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