Chapter Sixteen

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I wake up yawning with my alarm screaming in my ears. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I get out of bed and walk out of my room. Head to the bathroom and brush my teeth, once i'm finished. I go knock on my dad's door. "Dad?" No answer. "DAD?" I knock louder. "Screw it". I walk into his room, his bed is empty, but it's not made yet. I hear the shower water running and hurry out of his room.

The last thing I want, is to see my dad naked. I'm sure he'll come get me when he gets out. I walk to the kitchen and I go to the frige to grab eggs and butter. I take out a pan and put butter into the pan and start making omelets for me and my dad.. I get done making his omelet and srpinkle his favorite cheese on top. "There." I say smiling.

"Whatcha cooking Kiddo?" I jump. "Dad! You scared me." He chuckles, "Well I'm sorry, is this mine?" "Yes." I turn back to the stove and begin to cook my omelet. "You can come with me to work today if you want." I turn to him slowly. "If I want?? Of course I want to come, Dad. You know how much I love the shop." He eats his omelet while I cook mine. "So, can we talk about what happened last night?" I say moving my hips and humming. "Nothing to talk about." "Dad.." I turn around and he looks up from his plate. "I'm serious."

"Okayy, well how did you sleep?" He smiles with his mouth full. "I slept like a baby." "Well thats good Dad, what time do we have to leave?" He gives me the side eye. "Whenever you're ready, I own the shop after all." I take my omelet out of the pan and set in on a plate and sprinkle some cheese. "Okay, well let me finish this and we can get going." I say smiling. I've always been a happy person around my dad. He makes me feel special and that I'm actually wanted by someone. Not in that way, he just makes me happy, I love my dad. He's my world.

Ten minutes later, I'm done eating and I jog up the stairs to get dressed. I put on blue jean shorts, and a grey spaghetti strap shirt with a black bra. There's no point in wearing something fancy and cute if I'm going to get it dirty. Dad is already dressed and in his truck. I walk out the door and lock it, making sure it's locked. I walk to the car and get inside the passenger seat. "Ready Sweetheart?"

"Yes." He puts the car in reverse, backs out of the driveway and we are off to dad's shop. I play some music and jam to 'OMDB' by Rod Wave. fifteen minutes later and eight rod wave songs later. We get to the shop, and i hop out of the truck slamming the door. "Hey! Watch it, she's fragile." Dad says smiling. (If you guys haven't figured it out yet, her dad owns a body shop {works on cars}). "Sorry dad!" I say shouting. I walk into the shop and shout.

"HEY EVERYBODY! Miss me?" I smirk. John, my dad's best friend shouts "MY GIRL!! I missed youu! how's school, Kid?" "School is school, boring, but school" i laugh. "What are you working on, John?" "Oh just this old truck some guy brought by, said he wanted the exterior redone." "Well if it isn't your lucky day, i'll help!" i walk over to the truck and examine the exterior. Dad said I've always had a good eye working on trucks. "Dent.. dent.. scratch. Damn, what did this guy do to this car?" I say walking around the truck. "No idea, he just brought it by." The car is a white 1970 ford F-100.

"Do they even make these cars anymore?" I ask John. "Some people. Mostly older men, but the guy who dropped it off looked like he was in high school, probably got this truck passed down from his dad." "Ah true, well let's get started! Did he want a new paint color too John?" "Yeah, he said black would be good." "Okay, well let's get started."

I move to the tool area and get everything I need to redo this entire truck. I'm a fast worker so hopefully this won't take too long. "Hey Kaniah! Play some music, yours is better than mine." He chuckles, "On it!" I play my favorite playlist and get started working on the truck.

I pop out the dents of the truck and remove the paint with my paint scrapper. Once i'm done, i go look for my dad. "Hey dad! Where is the bike I left here?" I shout to him. "It's around back!". I went to the back and grabbed my bike. The bike is black with purple stripes all over. I ride my back to the nearest 'Auto parts' store. I walk in grab some black car paint and head back to the shop.

Once i get back, i tell John to get started while i go use the restroom. I do my business, wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror. Damn I look like i'm sweating bricks. I walk back out and help John with the paint. "Hey, the guy is here Kaniah. Wants to see the truck." I sigh. I'm done already so I guess I don't mind.

"Of course, let me just fix something real quick." John nods his head and walks back out and talks to the guy. A few minutes later, i call back out to John. "Hey John! He can come in now." The guy walks in and I freeze. "Ambrose..?" "Kaniah..?"





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