Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ambrose's Point Of View

Nothing.. I feel nothing. Everything right now is black.

I haven't eaten for seven hours, no sleep for nine hours. I just can't believe I hurt her.

How? This never happens. I'm always persistent in my line of work. I- Have no..words.

Rage, and darkness is all I feel right now. I hurt the only person in my life besides Hudson, who actually cares about me. Who cares about us.. me and Hudson.

She may not know who we are, or what we do. But she cares, I know she does.

But this rage.. I'm fighting it.. I- I'm trying to fight it.

Hudson on my right side pats my thigh and looks at me adoringly. I smile a faint smile, knowing it doesn't reach my eyes.

I abruptly stand up and walk towards the hospital doors. Hudson runs after me and screams my name begging me to come back.

"YOU'RE IN NO CONDITION TO DRIVE!" he shouts at my retreating back.

I scoff, "What do you know. Call me if anything comes up." My voice sounds scratchy and it's very low.

Before he can respond I'm out the door, walking to my car.


"I need my guns cleaned, and my shit situated, does everyone in this room understand what I'm saying?" I look over most of my men and I hear grunts and 'yes boss'.

Everyone scrambled to get to their designated areas of the warehouse. Whenever I lose myself, or I have uncertain emotions. I come to my warehouse and most the time yell at my men.

I let out a faint chuckle.

At least I can take out my anger on something.. and my beautiful little brat.

I zone out and look at the ground and remember I am the idiot that hurt her. She doesn't want to see me, what she will want is an explanation though, greedy little fucker.

I smirk.

My jean pocket starts vibrating and I take my phone out of my pocket with a heavy sigh.

Once I recognize the caller ID I immediately answer.

Me: Talk to me.

Hudson: She's awake, demanding to see you. She is just like you, that one..

He chuckles.

Me: Ha Ha, very funny. What the doc say?

While I ask the question, I race back to my car and get in starting the engine, heading to the hospital.

Hudson: Nothing severe, she'll live and make a full recovery. No brain damage or shit like that.

Me: "Shit like that" Pfft, I'm heading back to the hospital. See you soon?

Hudson: See you soon. Oh, and her father is here, with her siblings, her little sister is a pain in the ass! You'll see, she's like a mini Kaniah.

He cackles at that.

And I let out a small chuckle of my own.

Me: I'll be there in fifteen.




i'm so tired, how's the book so far? short chapter but that's what makes them better :3.

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