Chapter Twelve

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I walk into the building. Lights flashing, music blaring. It was so loud, I couldn't hear myself think.

I make my way to the bar and side down on a seat near the exit. The bartender makes his way over to me and asks what I would like to drink.

I told him a shirley temple, he nodded and walked away to make my drink.

While I'm waiting I look around at the place, there are a lot of kids from my school here.

I wonder if they recognize me, and if they did, what would they think about a freshman being here.

I turned to look towards the exit and I saw Ambrose walk through the door. I felt my eyes widen and I look away trying to hide my face behind my hand. I'm sure he saw me, and he's looking hot as ever..

Wait- what is he doing here?! Did he follow me here or something..

Noo.. he wouldn't follow me here, would he..?

The bartender comes back with my drink made. I thank him, and he says "You're welcome."

He has a hot voice, I blush as he walks away. I drink my drink till there is just ice left. I head to the dance floor ducking my head as i pass Ambrose. I hope he doesn't know I'm here.. He'd throw a fit. Hmmm, why do I care what he thinks?

I am my own person and I can do whatever i want. He isn't mine. I see him walk to a pretty girl with red hair, blue eyes, and a tight red dress.

She leans up and kisses him on his cheek and I feel myself grow hot. I hated seeing him with another girl other than me.

He takes her to the bar and orders her a drink. She has her arm hooked through his. I turn my head and search through the people around me that I think look hot. I look toward a hot guy. Dark-skinned with brown hair, and a plain grey t-shirt and blue jeans.

I make my way to him and I feel his gaze land on me.. No that's not the guy I was just looking at. Ambrose.. He's looking at me.

I'm sure he knows what i look like now. I squeeze my eyes shut and say "Shit." In my head. I continue forward and make my way toward the brown-haired guy. "Hello, beautiful, he says. "Wanna dance?" I reply.

"Of course.." He takes my hand and leads me to an empty area on the dance floor. I start grinding my ass on his groin. "Fuck," he says.

"Stop that, what are you doing? You want me to put you over my knee little girl?"

I shake my head and continue dancing like we own the dance floor, i turn around and make eye contact with Ambrose. The stranger I was dancing with whispers in my ear and asks me if we could go somewhere more private. I turn around, look at him, and dash toward the exit.




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