Chapter Seventeen

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I didn't know you work here. And you missed school." "Uh yeah, my dad said i could stay out and help him."

"Ah, okay, that sounds nice." "Yea, so.. We fixed her up for ya! She really is a beauty. I love it. But i never knew you drove old cars!?" He chuckles , "Of course, i'm a senior after all. I've got an old soul." "WHAT?!" Ambrose having an old soul. I blush.. that's really hot. And he's a senior! I didn't know he was a senior.. I clear my throat. "We'll um anyway, she's all dry and ready for you to take her home!"

"Hey Kaniah!? Have you seen my keys??" "Uhh yea Dad, they're on the tool cart." "Ah found it- woah, who's that?" I blush knowing my Dad is going to embarrass me. "Dad.. I'd like you to meet Ambrose." "Th-this is Ambrose?" "Yes."
"The guy that dropped you off?" "Yes."

"No wonder the girls like you. How you doin' son?" They clasp hands and pat each other on the back, doing a sort of hug but with their arms in between their chests.

Guys are weird.. "My Kaniah has told me such much about you." "Dad, stop, it was only last night." "Yeah.. because you didn't tell me before then." He rolls his eyes jokingly. God I hate him, I blush. "What's wrong Kaniah, you" Ambrose says with a devious grin.

My eyes widen as I look at Ambrose. "N-no i'm fine." I say blushing some more. "Just hot like you said." He chuckles a deep chuckle "Well Okay, I'd like you to meet my best friend Hudson. He drove us here so I could pick up the truck once you guys were done." Hudson puts out his arm, "Hi, Kaniah, Ambrose talks about you a lot.

"Does he now," i say shaking his hand and looking at Ambrose. "Good things I hope." I say giggling. "Hey John, can you get his paperwork and finalize everything please." "Oh! Of course." John walks off smiling. "Dad, where are you going?" "Just getting some food, I was going to bring you guys back some but since Ambrose and his friend are here. I could just take everyone myself."

"Oh no Dad, that's-" "Great. That's great, we'll come with you." Ambrose says smiling. "Um no you guys are not. You have to take the truck." "Oh Kaniah, I know that silly girl. I'll just drive and we can go." "Ugh! Okay." "Watch that tone, young lady." Dad points at me. "You know better." "Dad! Stop embarrassing me," I say blushing. "Let me just go wash my hands."




Okay, it's short but someone encouraged me to publish it, and they were getting impatient lol. So here's this chapter 😋.

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