Chapter Fourteen

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Once he was done kissing her, they parted and she stood up from under the desk. "What's wrong little one?"

"Nothing Ambrose, I am just realizing I'm tired." She giggles. "Alright baby, let's get you home."

We walk out of the office and run into the red-head Ambrose was with earlier. "Luca, Baby, where are you going?" She pauses and looks at him. "Luca?" she says confused.

"It's a nickname." he says with an annoyed voice.

"Who is this bitch??" the red head snarls.

"Bitch? Oh you lost your mind!" Kaniah lunges at the red-head but gets pulled back last minute by Ambrose. "Hey, Hey! Watch your damn mouth Trisha."

"Kaniah, before you attempt to attack people, you should know the full story first."

The full story?" she says, raising her voice. "

"What full story Ambrose? It's fucking clear you're sleeping with this girl."

Kaniah looks at the red-head and says

"Don't you EVER call me out of my name. You and this playboy will see a whole different side of me if you do. Calling me out of my name is disrespectful and I do NOT do disrespect."

She turns and walks out of the club. She makes it outside and rubs her temples trying to calm herself down. Once she is settled down, she takes out her phone and looks at the time. "Fuck, it's past my curfew. Dad is going to chew me a new one." she sighs and paces back and forth for a couple minutes thinking.

Ambrose comes out and watches her as she paces. "Can you not do that please? It's driving me insane." She stops, looks at him, and rolls her eyes then continues pacing. Ambrose walks up to her and wraps her hair around his hand.

"What did I just say about you walking back and forth?" She removes his hand from her hair.


He sighed and said "Okay, but please get in the ca-."

"I'm just going to call a lyft." she said cutting him off. "Get in the damn car Kaniah!"Her eyes widen. "Okay."

She gets in the car and they drive off on the way to her house.  "First of all.. Playboy..? I am many things but a playboy is not one of them." she sighs. "I'm sorry, but if it's true Ambrose then why are you leading me on? I can't be treated like nothing then wanted by you. If there is someone else, just tell me so I can move on."

He looks at her then moves his hand to her thigh. "Kaniah, there isn't anyone else. She used to be my sub and I guess I needed to focus on something else for some time. I did not sleep with her, I just wanted to take my mind off you because I will never forget your face and your reaction when I hurt you."

"I know, but can I be honest Ambrose..?" He smiles. "Of course."

"I kind of liked it when you slapped me. It stung a little but it also made me wet." She blushes. "Ohh, is my little brat a masochist?" "What's that?" she says blushing.. "It's a term in the BDSM world. You get turned on by pain."

"Oh yes, I did like it, but I'm not sure if i'm a masochist." He narrows his eyes. "Alright baby," he has one hand on the wheel and one hand gripped her small thigh. "So if you liked what I did earlier, why'd you run out?"

"I- i didn't know how to react." she sighed. They soon made it to her house with Kaniah directing him where to go. "Just park in the driveway."
"Okay," he pulled in the driveway. "I hope I can see you again princess."

"Maybe, if I'm feeling generous," she smiled. "Goodnight Ambrose, I had a good time.."

"Me too, Love, see you soon." She pulls on the car handle and gets out of the car. She makes her way to the front door of her house, and unlocks it.

She looks back and waves at Ambrose. "That guy is going to drive me insane.."

"WHERE have you BEEN!" She looks to her father. Fuck.




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