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Two months went by and Paige was feeling more confident in walking. The Cullens were gone hunting and Paige was hungry. She took a deep breath in and stood up slowly. She slowly took her first steps and smiled with tears in her eyes. Jasper arrived and stopped as he saw Paige walking making him smile. "You're doing it without help."

Paige screamed and fell backwards just for Jasper to catch her. She glared at him making Jasper laugh. "Don't do that."

"Sorry, darlin."

"I'm hungry and I was going to do this on my own." She tells him.

Jasper helped her stand back up and let go of her hand. Paige smiled as she started to slowly walk with him behind her. Esme was cooking lunch for Paige since she had this feeling that she would be hungry. Hearing someone walking in, she looked up and gasped as she saw Paige walking. "Oh my god." She said.

"Hi." Paige says with Jasper behind her.
The others smiled as they were happy for Paige. She was walking and that was all because of Jasper. Jasper smiled as she looked at him. "Thank you."

"We all helped you." Jasper tells her.

"Yes, but you are the main reason why I'm walking." Paige tells him as they walked up to her room. "You never gave up when I wanted to so badly, but you kept me going."

"I wanted you to see that you could do this without being turned." Jasper tells her as he leaned in and kissed her.

Paige smiled as she has been wanting to kiss him since they've gotten closer. Jasper pulled away as he looked at her before kissing her again. He wasn't afraid to love anymore.
A few weeks later, Paige was in a lot of pain. Jasper stayed by her side as he wished he knew what was wrong with her. "Paige..."

"I'm fine." She said weakly as she looked at him. "Just in pain is all."

Jasper didn't understand what was suddenly wrong. First she was paralyzed, then they helped her gain the ability to walk, and now she's as pale as them. He held her hand as she laid in the bed. She closed her eyes as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Kissing her head, Jasper ran to Carlisle to explain what is going on. "Something's wrong with Paige and I'm afraid of losing her."

"Okay. I'm going to run some test. Is she able to get up and go to the hospital?"

"I don't think so. I'll have to all the carrying, but I'm afraid to touch her because of how weak she suddenly became."

"Jasper, I think your mate has been sick for a long time and now that she's been up and moving around, I believe that whatever it is, is now more noticeable than before."

Hearing that Paige was sick caused Jasper to sit down. "I can't lose her." He said. "If I have too, I'll turn her."

"I know you will, son, but does Paige know you want to turn her?"

"No. I haven't thought about it till she was near death and knowing she's dying is making the decisions early." Jasper said.

Hearing his name, Jasper left to go be with his mate. Carlisle sighed as he knew he needed to see what was causing Paige so much pain and why he didn't see it before when she was found. He grabbed Paige's file and started to read it. There was nothing there meaning it was either overlooked or it was not showing up on anything. "Carlisle?"


"Is she going to be okay?" Esme asked.

"I don't think so." Carlisle said. "I'm going to be running test till I find out what is wrong with Paige before it's too late."

Esme nodded as this was painful. Edward leaned against the door seeing as Paige was asleep on Jasper's chest made him sigh. He didn't want to lose his sister and seeing that she was slowing dying was making things worse for them all. Rosalie had her head in Emmett's chest mourning for Paige.

"I will turn you, Paige before it's too late." Jasper tells her. "I love you."

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