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The next day, Paige and Jasper were dressed and ready for school, but something was bothering Paige. Something about today has her thinking that this was the beginning. "Darlin?"


"What's wrong?"

Paige looked at him thinking. "Something is telling me that she will be curious now that Edward is gone." She tells him. "I don't want that to happen, but.."

"Edward made his decision." Jasper tells her. "If Bella is curious then that's all on Edward. Not us."

Paige nodded as he was right. If Bella is curious, that's Edward's fault. She smiled as he kissed her making her smile. Paige walked with Jasper out of their room. Rosalie and Emmett looked at them. "Finally." Emmett said. "Lets get this day over with."

"Let's go."
At school, Paige was putting things in her locker when Jasper walked up to her. She didn't notice him walking over to her till Paige felt arms wrap around her causing her to look and smile. "Hi." She tells him. "She was staring at me as I walked the halls."

"Of course." He said. "Let's ignore her. Edward caused her to be like that than that's his problem."

Paige nodded as she shut the locker and kissed Jasper. Emmett and Rosalie got beside them causing Emmett to clear his throat. "Let's go to lunch. We need to discuss the issue named Bella." Rosalie said.

"Rosalie, wait till Edward comes back and two, we need to talk to Carlisle about this. He is, after all, our coven leader. None of you treat him as one and that's going to stop." She tells them. "I've stayed quiet for two years because I was hoping you all will see what you are doing, but none of you did."

Jasper watched Paige walk away causing them to sigh. "She's right." Jasper tells them. "I knew something was bothering her, but I didn't ask because I didn't want to pry."

"Jasper, you need to be honest with her like she is with you." Rosalie tells him. "I can tell she wants that without Edward's gift."

Jasper didn't say a word as he walked after Paige. He needed to talk to her and tell her everything he has been feeling. Seeing Paige walking out the doors, he went after her. "Paige..."

"I heard Rosalie." She tells him. "I want you to be able to tell me everything. Not just as your mate, but as your fiancée." Paige looked at him as she touched his face. "I love you, Jasper Hale and I don't want us to hide anything from one another. Not anymore."

"I'm sorry for not confiding in you. I don't see you as a mate, I see you as the love of my life and I should have been honest from the moment we got together. When I thought I was going to lose you that day, two years ago, I was afraid to turn you. I was afraid of the taste of human blood, but something in me told me that I couldn't lose you." He tells her. "I turned you because of my love for you."

"You thought you would have fed from me?" He nodded. "Oh, Jasper, if I knew then..."

"Darlin', don't worry about it. I know I should have told you before, but I was more ashamed of myself."

Paige wrapped her arms around his neck smiling. "I love you, Jasper Hale and everything you do, I will continue to love you."

"I love you, Paige Cullen." He said kissing her. "Let's go in and see how bad the staring is."

Paige smiled as they walked in hand in hand. Jasper was going to be honest about things with her from now on.

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