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Filler chapter
The one thing that made Jasper extremely happy was that his mate was nothing like Bella. When he told her what they were, Paige wasn't obsessed with turning. Just seeing her talk about this party that Esme wants to throw for Bella, she's pointing out how bad this could end. "Paige..."

"Esme, you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. Jasper has a gift that can feel everyones emotions in this room. If Bella gets a cut, knowing how her blood smells, what do you think will happen. Once it does, leave me and Jasper out." Paige tells her as she went over to her fiancée. "If she causes him to attack because of his gift, we will never come back."

Jasper looked at her smiling. "Thank you for thinking about me, but you need to think of yourself. You haven't been one for long either. You're still need to think of yourself.'

"You know me, Jasper. I will make sure those I love are put first. I know I haven't been a vampire long, but I have you to help me." She tells him. "I say we go with Emmett and Rosalie to do some school shopping. They will learn."

Jasper watched her walk away causing him to smile as he looked at Esme. "I think you should put that into consideration."

Esme knew that they were right, but Bella is now a part of their family and they will celebrate the girl's birthday.

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