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The next month came and Paige had grown weaker then the last time. Jasper was by her side as he held her hand. Listening to her heart beating slowly meant she doesn't have much to go on. "Jasper." He looked at Paige. "Please don't let me die."

"I won't, darlin'." Jasper promised. "I'm right here."

Paige smiled weakly as she knew she was close. "Turn me now." She tells him. "I can feel myself slipping..."

Jasper nodded as he kissed her before moving to her neck. He inhaled before biting into her neck as she screamed out. The others rushed in just to see Jasper pulling away from Paige. "She was passing fast." He said. "I couldn't lose her."

"Jasper, your mate has been sick since she was born. She was never going to make it." Carlisle said. "I found records from when she was born. She had a birth defect."

"Her heart." Jasper said causing them to look at him shocked. "I've been listening to her heart rate. The beat was irregular. I guessed from there and how weak she got over a month." He looked at Paige as she had finally stopped screaming. "I'm going to go hunt and I will be back to help with her."
Jasper sighed as he sat on a rock. His mate was in transition because she asked him. He ended her suffering for her, but at what cost beside giving him a mate. He looked up at the sky. "I did it for you, Paige and I will turn you over and over if it meant that I get the chance to have you in my life for eternity."

"She's wondering where you are." Edward said. "I told her you went hunting and she's glad that you are hunting after being by her side for a month. She's happy that you turned her."

"What else did she say?"

"She loves you."

Jasper smiled as he stood up and walked back towards the house. His mate needs him to be there for her to wake up. A long three day process ahead of him, but it's worth the wait.
The first day, Jasper refused to go hunting. All day, he isolated himself from the others as he stayed by Paige's side. Rosalie didn't say a word as she walked in and started changing Paige's clothes and to clean her up. Jasper walked away to give Paige privacy. "You don't have to leave."

"Rose, I'm giving her privacy because we have not talked much about having sex as she was dying." He tells her. "Till she wakes up, I will give my mate privacy as you clean her up."

Rosalie nodded. Jasper sighed as he looked out the window as these days were going to drag, but it was worth the wait. "I'm done." She said as she hugged her brother. "I didn't want this to happen, but she's your mate and she was dying. I put that aside so you can be happy. Plus, Paige deserved better any ways."

"Thank you." He said. They looked back a Paige's body. Jasper smiled at how she looked. "I think Paige would love what you did when she wakes up."

"I know. She told me what she wanted to be in before she wakes up." Rosalie said. "Just two more days."
The next two days were slow, but the day Paige's heart stopped beating had Jasper looking at his mate. Everyone walked in the room as they saw Paige open her eyes. Her once brown eyes were replaced with red ones. "Jasper."

Jasper smiled as Paige ran into his arms. They were shocked that he didn't grunt in pain as she was stronger than him. "Let's get you hunting."

Paige nodded as they left. "That was strange." Emmett said. "She didn't hurt him."

"She didn't want too." Edward replies. "It's like she has more self of control than most newborns."
In the woods, Paige was running with a smile. She couldn't believe she was able to run faster than what she thought, but then again, she never ran since she started walking again. Jasper watched her till they smelt blood. Paige ran after the smell causing Jasper to follow, but noticed she wasn't near the human. "Paige..."

"Shh." She said. "They don't need to know we are here. Let's go find a deer before we get caught."

Jasper smiled at how amazing she was. Paige was tamed as a newborn and Jasper was glad that she wasn't like the others. She looked at him and smiled as she walked over to him. "What's wrong?"

"There is one thing that I want to do with you." She said smiling.

"What is that, darlin'?"

Paige looked down as Jasper felt her emotions. The one thing he has been waiting for was going to happen. He kissed her causing Paige to smile. He picked her up and held her against the tree. Ripping the dress Paige was in, Paige looked up at him smiling. "Really?" She asked.

"It's in my way."

"Then..." she did the same with his clothes. "...those are too."

Jasper laughed as he kissed her again. Paige was glad that she could finally be intimate with Jasper after all these months of her living with them and now, she has forever.

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