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Edward finally decided to come back and fix his mess, but Paige was doing everything to avoid the mind reader. Jasper found his mate and smiled as she was fixing a painting. He wrapped his arms around her causing her to look at him. "Hi." She said as he kissed her.

"What are you doing, darlin'?"

"Relaxing and now you're here." She said as she turned and kissed him. "I love you."

Jasper held her tight as they kissed. Rosalie walked into the room and cleared her throat. "We need to go and get today over with."

"Why?" Paige says. "She may not question us, but she will ask Edward. That is going to throw everyone off because she wants answers and Edward is not that good of a liar."

Jasper looked at Rosalie. "She's made a point, but we can't just skip."

"True." She said kissing Jasper one last time. "Let's go, Rose."
At school, the staring seems to stop since Bella realized that Edward wasn't coming back, but he was, just out of sight till biology. Jasper saw Paige in the library looking for books since her teacher left early due to an emergency, they were told to have a free period. Her favorite place, the library. He walked in and knew she was there.

When Paige walked out of the section she was in, Jasper pushed her back in causing her to look at him. "Yes?"

Jasper didn't say a word as he kissed her. Paige wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss. The bell rang, but the two didn't mind. "Save that for when we get home." Emmett tells them causing Paige and Jasper to glare. "What?"

"Next time you want to be a clock block, I'll make sure to block you and Rosalie."

"You wouldn't do that." Emmett says as Paige got up in his face.

"Then don't interrupt us." She tells him as she walked away.

"Isn't she amazing?" Jasper said smiling as he followed Paige.

Emmett laughed as he went after them. Rosalie saw him and shook her head. "Stop interrupting. They know not to have sex in school."

Emmett gave her a look knowing that Paige and Jasper would probably do it anywhere. When the two walked out, they saw Jasper holding Paige against the car. "What was you saying, Rose?"

"I change my mind." Rosalie said as she walked over to them. "Off my car."

Paige pulled away and looked at Rosalie. "You two suck."

Jasper laughed as he kept her in his arms. Edward walked out in a grumpy mood causing them to not speak. Paige buried her head in Jasper's chest as they were waiting to get the chance to leave. Hearing the sound of a van, Paige looked to see Tyler's van losing control. Before she knew it, Edward was gone. "He screwed up." She said as she heard the van hit a vehicle.

"Yeah. He saved Bella Swan."

"He just screwed up."
Paige looked at the dead deer in front of her. She couldn't believe he has a human wanting to know what they are. Jasper walked up to her and kissed her head. "Darlin', I know you're upset..."

"I know I was human two years ago, but I respect the rules. Is there something about Bella that Edward is refusing to tell us?"

"There is something there, but Edward doesn't know that Bella is falling in love with him, but him saving her is causing her suspicions to rise." He tells her. "Paige, whatever happens, just know that I will be right here to keep you safe."

"I love you."

"I love you."

Sorry it's short, but I have an idea for the next chapter. I just hope I can make it longer.

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