thunder and the sun

146 5 7

It's been a few more days, exactly three and half since the party.

Kenma had found it easier to talk to Kuroo when he had free time, learning that he preferred to hear Kuroo's voice in person rather than stay with the image in his head reading texts. And Kenma hated video chat with a passion, because it gave him too much commitment and made him nervous, but for Kuroo, he decided it was okay.

He fell asleep with him on the phone twice.

Not that he'd been counting.

The afternoon was getting ready to leave for the night as Kenma was studying for an exam he had before the week was over, the eraser of his mechanical pencil pressed into his bottom lip as he tried to ignore the weird fuzzy feeling at the bridge of his nose from the frame of his glasses. He hated them, but they helped when it came to reading things for too long.

They just made his nose feel strange, like tv static had settled itself into his skin.

His phone buzzes against the wood of his nightstand, piercing through his thoughts like a silver bullet, and his head becomes messier with the possibility of the text being from Kuroo, and his heart flutters like moths to porch lights at the thought.

Kenma rolls the eraser back and forth on his bottom lip, trying to come up with a very, very good reason to stay at his desk and keep studying, to not go see who was texting him as another distraction resonates throughout the room.

There were many good ones, too, but he decided to ignore them. A break would do him good, anyway.

Kenma gets up from his desk chair and takes his phone from the nightstand, flopping onto his bed, the white comforter bunched up at the foot of it while his shoulders relish in the soft mattress beneath him as he unlocks it.

kuro: hey other half

kuro: what are u up to i miss u

kuro u saw me last night


i miss u too

but only a little

kuro: can we go on like a date pls

kuro: bokuto is at work and akaashi said no when i asked him to come over <//3

i would love to!


i can't :/

studying for bio exam all night



would u actually wanna do that

is this how u wanna spend ur wednesday night

kuro: if it means hanging out with you then yes!

kuro: kenma and bio?? literally what could be better

u are the biggest nerd i have ever met

kuro: hEY nerds can be hot too

kuro: i'll prove it do u wanna hear some pick up lines

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