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Kuroo was a lot like spring rain.

He was warm and enveloping and constant but it was pleasant in a way that made Kenma want to keep going. He smiled like puddles in the afternoon, his laugh reminding him of double rainbows after April showers, while his touch was the soft sunlight filtering through grey clouds after a storm. Kenma remembers standing in the rain once, just to feel what it was like. He liked it, finding comfort in the warm sighs of the rain as it cried over his skin, soaking into his clothes. He found it hard to believe that people didn't like standing out in the rain.

Kuroo felt just as soothing to him, keeping him grounded in situations that were supposed to be scary.

And despite Kuroo hating storms, Kenma thought he was more involved than he realized.

He wanted to keep exploring him, to keep wandering within him until he found another rose with pieces of Kuroo's personality wound between its petals, or a stray dandelion to wish upon and blow out, thinking of him.

And he would wish for many things, the desire to stay in their little utopia for as long as they could sitting at the top of the list, while warm rain kisses his skin.

It was Christmas morning, and despite it being cold outside, Kenma felt that same warmth in his chest, getting used to it for the past week and a half.

Things have been getting easier for him. It was a lot less difficult to be around Kuroo, craving the next time he'd be able to spend time with him or thinking of the next place to take him, to leave their laughter splattered on the walls for the next time he came back down here.

It was a lot easier to pretend, and Kenma was beginning to think that might not be such a good thing anymore, either.

"You're thinking." Kuroo comments, looking up at the back of Kenma's PSP from where he was resting his stomach.

Kenma tries to ignore how his arms were rung around the small of his back, and how his nose was sifted with a delicate pink from waking up, or how his black hair got messier with each day that passed. He remembers wanting to see how Kuroo looked in the morning, and as he is draped in white light from the high sun, surrounding him in a beautiful halo that he would only ever dream of, he thinks he is prettiest after just waking up.

There were many sides to Kuroo. Kenma liked this one especially.

He wonders if Kuroo could feel the butterflies fluttering under his chin.

"I am." And Kenma's lucky that Kuroo wasn't near his chest after being caught, watching his character die for the second time on the gaming screen, distracted. " What are we gonna do today?"

"Well...Christmas is a couple's thing, right?" Kuroo turns his head, his ear pressed against the fabric of Kenma's black hoodie as he looks out of the window.

The oak tree sways and the clouds wave at him against a sky of aquas. The stars have vanished.

"Yes," Kenma says, his heart jumping.

"Let's go to a new place. I'm sure there are places around that you haven't taken me to, yet."

And there were , about a million and two areas that Kenma would love to take Kuroo to, just for him to see and instill a sense of pride in him to see he liked them almost as much as he used to. Kenma often felt like there weren't enough days in the week for them to be here together.

He pushes the thought away.

"I could take you to another red light district. It's a little far, though. We would need to take the train."

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