cliffs and highway drives

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It's been a few days.

Kenma would begin his spring semester next week, and after having that conversation with Kuroo and actually doing something about his school situation back in November, rather than ignoring it and hoping for the best, he was able to change his major without too many repercussions and looked forward to going back this time.

It took him a little while to get rid of the frustration of wasting an entire year studying science, but he supposed it turned out okay in the end.

He suspected Kuroo would exaggerate if he told him about his change of course regarding university (and he was correct, as Kuroo showed up right at his doorstep and insisted on taking him out to celebrate his decision).

And Kenma really didn't want to, but what else was he going to do? Say no?

He found himself not being able to say no to Kuroo most of the time, anyway, so it didn't really matter.

Now, here he was, sitting on his rough-material couch with Hinata beside him, his sock covered feet on his lap while he thought into the tile beneath them.

"Kenma. Please stop spacing out. I am trying to spend quality time with you." Hinata's thin eyebrows come together in mock scolding, cheeks jutting out as he purses his lips thin to imitate a pout.

Kenma blinks and looks up at Hinata, scoffing. "We are." He insists. "A wise man once said that best friends don't have to explicitly talk to each other to communicate."

Hinata freezes as he thinks into Kenma's face, coming up short as he tried to put a name to that quote.

"Who the hell said that?"

Kenma simpers, mischief tinting his lips. "...Me."

Hinata rolls his eyes and brings both of his legs up in the air from where he was lying on Kenma's couch, the Netflix screen playing the trailer for a movie for what felt like the nth time since Hinata has been indecisive as to watch it or not. He grabs his sock-covered feet, balancing himself on the cushions underneath his back as he wobbled, his attention elsewhere before it bounds back to the conversation at hand.

"Then let's talk about something that will interest you."

Kenma knew, with his tone and that stupid smirk on his face, that he would want to talk about-

"-talk about Kuroo."

Kenma's heart worries at the mention of his name, the tinge in Hinata's voice enough to make him fear the inevitable. If he were to deflect, Hinata would catch on and embarrass him. If he were to talk about him, he was scared that Hinata would coax him to speak more than he intended to and know about how he felt before he even did.

And still embarrass him.

Kenma knew that truth that Hinata was seeking, too, but like hell if he was going to tell him about it.

"I do not." Kenma says, standing up and trying to get as far away from Hinata's prying questions as possible. Maybe if he went to the kitchen to distract himself with the sweets in his fridge, he could pretend like he didn't hear him. "I'm going to go get food."

Hinata hums and turns his head to watch Kenma leave through the opening of the kitchen, the material of the couch cushions like sandpaper against his skin.

He ignores it, a different significance coming to mind.

"Do you like Kuroo?"

Kenma opens the refrigerator and stares at the jug of milk sitting on the shelf, thinking and still. The mere thought of that question revolving around Kuroo made his stomach sink, as if he really had been falling, like the roller coaster drops he liked so much. Kuroo was just as thrilling, and with the way his heart was thrumming in his chest at the mere thought, he would have said he was more than.

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