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kuro: kenma i'm gonna call u in like two seconds

kuro: pls pick up and call me a petname

kuro: just act like u are in love with me go along with it

kuro: in desperate need of ur help !!

wait what



Kenma looks at the grey typing bubbles in the corner of his phone ripple twice, before they disappear completely, the music from his video game's pause screen playing from his television.

Kuroo's name flashes on the screen, and Kenma feels ill once his heart picks up at the contact, the phone too heavy in his hands. They've hung out with each other nearly everyday for the past couple of weeks, yet he still made him nervous just by calling, every single time.

This is ridiculous.

Kenma swallows and prepares himself to talk to Kuroo, and with shaking fingers and a head that was full of wind, he taps the green call button, guiding the phone to his ear.

"Hello, other half!"

Kenma looks to his lap, wondering why he was calling in the first place. Not that he minded hearing Kuroo's voice, but it was still kind of strange.

He sighs.

"H-hi, my love."

"Very glad you picked up. You know Akaashi, right?"

Kenma nods at the mention of his name, remembering him from the party. Kuroo doesn't say anything, and then he remembers that Kuroo was not in front of him and couldn't see him nod.

"Yeah, I know Akaashi."

"Well! This semester he got himself a spot as president of the student union. He booked us a place and we're all going out tonight as a group, and we could bring someone with us! Are you down to be my plus one?"

No, Kenma was not down.

It was scary enough spending time with Kuroo when it was just the two of them, much less a group. There was something about the eyes of other people on him, giving him looks that he couldn't read, that made him anxious. He was thinking way too much about it, knowing Kuroo was waiting for an answer on the other line. And even worse, with the way he was acting, it probably meant he was in front of people when he was asking to prove that he had a plus one to bring.

Even more worse, that meant they had to act like a couple again.

How convenient.

Kenma sighs again, thinking of what Hinata would tell him in this situation. He would push him to go, and insist on changing up his hairstyle, maybe putting more clips in it or something extra to really make it good.


"Yeah...I'll come. What time?" Kenma tugs a piece of his hair in between his fingers as he thinks, trying to calm himself down enough to go through with it. His cheeks were warm and the tips of his ears were stained ruby at the thought of hanging out in a group of strangers with Kuroo.

He does not think this is a good idea.

The hair tug also didn't help him.

"Can you meet me in an hour, at seven? We're going to that same venue we went to last time."

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