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Once again Tori was staying up late, this time it was to finish a writing assignment and art assignment. She wasn't much of an artist but she still loved to do art. She hated English though but loved writing. It was weird but didn't matter, she hated essays but was so good at writing them it was actually ironic and funny if you think about it.

She sighed finally finishing her writing assignment. All she had to do was turn it in and then finish her art and then she can finally sleep. She looked away from her work for a second or two just trying to think of what more to add before submitting it. But a little ping notification on her discord caught her eye. Now normally all her friends would be asleep at this time so it can't have been them. She look at who sent her a dm or pinged her. It was—of course—Ranboo. She opened up the dm.

@ Ranboo


Hi I don't know if I have the correct time zone for you but it's pretty late either way


Sorry I just had homework and it was due today at like 8 in the morning and I didn't want to like wake up and do it then so I decided to do it late at night.


Oh makes sense

I mean you could always ask me for help if you need any


I'm flattered and thank you for the offer but you are a 17 year old that probably plays Minecraft more than participate in school


Haha fair fair


Mhm mhm 


Well uh I'm always here if you need to talk :D


Haha aww thank you mr boob


Seriously we were having a nice moment there


She immediately bursted out laughing when she read that then stopped hoping she didn't wake up her parents. She waited a bit and then sighed, relieved that she didn't. She then look back at her computer screen seeing Ranboo was calling. She gasped silently, this means she will finally hear his voice. And hopefully know if he's a middle aged man or not. She joined the call.

"Hello?" She asked.

"..." silence.

She sighed but then heard a voice. "Sorry my mic wasn't working for a second there" the voice said. She let out her breath, he didn't sound like a middle aged man. "Well I'm glad I don't haha" she heard the voice say. God I need to stop saying things out loud.

"Well I mean it's nice to know sometimes mr boo"

She heard him dramatically gasp "you- you didn't use the boob part!" 

She laughed "are you even the real Tomme??" He said

"Well I hope I am unless I'm a clone.."

"Wait... Ranboo how do I know if I'm a clone or not?"

"Uhhh I actually don't know.. good question" 

She laughed again "ok anyway what is your purpose for this call mr boob"

"Dang back to the mr boob then I guess" he said sighing.

"Anyway my purpose was to call you and talk, duh" 

"Oh shut up I mean why did you?"

"Oh well I guess I will shut up then..."

"No!! Please tell me I'm sorryyy"

"Haha ok well I was hoping to help with your homework and if not then we could play some Minecraft..?" He said hopefully. And she had to actually think for a bit.

"Hmmm maybe I'll think about it but for now I'm going to finish my homework and then we will see about the Minecraft thing..."

"Yes!" He yelled triumphantly even if he didn't exactly get promised they will play Minecraft he did get promised to talk and that was all he wanted.


After sometime of talking she eventually finished her homework and it wasn't that late. Just maybe 1:24 her time. But that didn't matter because Ranboo was now talking with her and she felt as though it wasn't even night.  She felt calm when he talked like he was safe. She liked that. She didn't know why, but she did. "Tomme?" Ranboo said and she was snapped out of her thoughts. 

"Oh uh yeah?" She said.

"I asked if we could play some Minecraft since you finished your work?"

"Well but only for a little bit because it's late for you" he said adding quickly

"Uhm sure" Tori said

"Yay!" She could almost hear the smile in his voice as tired as he sounded.

They decided to make their own server together and played for a bit until she saw the time. "Oh my god!" She said after she looked at her clock.

"What?" Ranboo asked.

"It's almost 3!" She said urgently.

"Oh no! I am so sorry to keep you for this long! Please get a good rest!" 

She nodded and forgot he can't see her so she quickly said "yeah I will thanks and you have a good sleep too!" Before leaving the call and turning off her computer. She quickly slipped under her covers and went to sleep really fast.


Heh- ya know I'm feeling confident that this book will go good.. well I meannn I'm just hopeful that this won't become discontinued or I just like one motivation or have writers block :/

Anyway have a good day/night

Love you cuties!

Hydrate and stay healthy <3333

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