Episode 4

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You sighed and started to work for your competition
Time skip 1 week

Your are now getting ready because you are going on dinner with Rm and his friends .Suga came from businesses trip yesterday he wanted to sleep but his friends (BTS) called him continuously so he is coming too you thanked him in mind as you won't be awkward there.

You and Suga reached the restaurant and entered the vip room which they booked

Jimin:hey (he waved his hand)

Jk:finally this grandpa came

Suga:what did you say


Yn:yah oppa don't scare him

V:ok let's eat

Yn:you were looking here and there like the place is still empty.

V:are you looking for my brother 😏

Yn:a-ah n-no

Jin:hey stob it don't tease her

Jk:it's fun oldie

Jin:you sggfddsfbdsfnddff starts his rap

Suga:hey if you wanted to do childish things then why call me here

Just then Rm came

Rm:what happened why aren't you all sitting.

Jimin:Hyung they started to do childish things .

Suga:says the one who is most childish

You got a bit nervous so you decided to stop this mess

Yn:let's sit and order

Jin:oh yeah sorry for this thing

Yn:it's ok even I am same with my friends


The order came and you didn't notice that Rm was staring at you .but someone notice it.

Suga whisper

Suga:Ik my sister is beautiful stop staring at her it's creepy

Rm gave a nervous laugh

The time went by you laughed together you got comfortable around everyone and they are very caring they are good friends and brothers like for you.

You all finished your dinner and now going to your home Rm was stealing glances at you with didn't get unnoticed by V so an idea popped in his mind.

V whispered to Suga



V:I want to say that let the both go together

Suga:you mean yn and Rm

V:yes they should spend some time or things will go awkward between them after marriage.

Suga kept silent for a min then spoke

Suga:I will try

V:thanks Hyung ily

Suga made a cringed face

Yn:oppa what are doing

Suga: nothing

Yn:ohk let's go it's getting late

Suga:umm yn can you go with Rm I have some work to do .

V:yes I am also helping him

Rm:and what work is it ?

V:don't ask so many questions and just go
It's not good to keep your wife waiting

You and Rm became a tomate after hearing what V said.

Jhope:ok stop teasing them and Rm take her safely ok

Rm:yes ,let's go (looking at you)

Your heart skip a beat when he said that

Yn:y-yes (why did I shutter do I like him)

You sat in car after waving bye to everyone

The ride was silent no one dared to broke but Rm decided to break it

Rm:umm so you have competition next week right


Rm:it must be hard right

Yn:not much

Rm:I mean being model-designer both profession

Yn:yeah it is but time management saves me

Rm:oh nice

The ride went silent again you reached your house ,you are staying at your own house.

Rm:you are living alone why?means you stay with your family I thought

Yn:yeah but most of time I spend here when I have competition or more work


Your house

Imagine it's night 🌃

It started raining very heavy suddenly

You were still in the car

Yn:uh do you want to come in I mean it's raining very heavy and you can't see the road so

Rm:umm if it's ok you

Yn:it's ok

Rm showed his smile to you

You blushed a bit

Rm:are you perhaps blushing

Yn:n-no (oh no !no more shuttering)

Rm:let's go in then


You both ran as fast as you can and you opened the door with keys ofcourse .but you both still got wet .

Yn:here's towel for you

Rm:what about you

Yn:I will go change (he is looking so handsome and plus water dripping from his head ah I am gonna be crazy for this man)

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