Episode 5

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Yn:I will go change (he is looking so handsome and plus water dripping from his head ah I am gonna be crazy for this man)


You gone to your room and started to change she locked the door ofcourse after done she came downstairs (a/n:what did you thought dirty minded people 😏)


Rm:What is it?

Yn:it's my biggest hoodie see if it fits you or you will get cold


Suddenly the lights went off

Yn:what happened to lights

Rm:it must be cause of heavy rain

Yn:yeah,I will look for candels

Rm:be careful

Yn gone and searched for candels she found it and she ran to Rm happily but suddenly she lost her balance and was going to fall but Rm held her by her waist
Just then electricity came .

both were staring at eachother eyes deeply
It felt like everything stopped

Then Rm gaze fell at your pink soft lips
He was hesitant at first but then he KISSED YOU your eyes widened but after sometime you melted in his kiss and kiss back

(I ain't good at romantic things and I won't do smut I am innocent baby 🐻👶)

First it was gentle but then it got hungry and agressive Rm was opening your shirt but then a loud thunderstorm was heard you hugged Rm tightly you both realise what were you doing you immediately broke the hug it was awkward until Rm tried to break the awkwardness

Rm:I -i am sorry

Yn:a-ah it's ok

Rm:I think I should leave now as the rain isn't heavy anymore.

Yn:uh then be safe (you look every where but not him)

Rm then leaved as he was embarassed too you had a tint of pink shade on your cheeks making obvious you are blushing.

Yn:ugh you are so foolish,yn you are the worst ,what will he think of me a mood ruiner?oh gosh I am trusfrated .forget it yn you have competition this week you have to be no.1 ! fighting!

You got a call from lil meow

meow:hey did you reach home


Meow:is Rm there

Yn:no he just gone

Meow:oh I thought I disturb

Yn blushed after hearing

Yn:yah oppa shut
Up it's nothing like that

Meow:ok ok sorry

Yn:hmm I am gonna
Prepare for my contest
So ttyl

Meow:ok don't overwork


You hung up

Yn:I have contest this week ,photoshoot in my wedding and the biggest turn I am getting married uh you have a long way yn you have to take all your spirit

You started doing your work and then sleep after sometime


I can't believe I kissed her the person whom I always admired from a distance and always loved I kissed her what are you doing to me min yn I can't wait to Marry her and make her Mrs Kim, Kim yn wow it matches her perfectly Kim yn he though while sitting on his bed smiling like an idiot

But I need to hide this from her if she know who I am she will leave me but I won't let her

What secret is Rm talking about?
It's a plot twist guess it if you can 😏

Btw I will try to post daily but I have notes more than study my hand hurts
You know 😢🥺

1 vote 1 pray for your a/n

I Purple you 💜❤️💜❤️💜

Words count 581

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