Ep : 9

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Everyone started to cheer and some were whistling
After wedding

You and Rm reached at his house he used to live alone but now he has someone to be with him in sadness, happiness and everything.getting out of car he opened the door of your side like a gentleman giving you his hand to hold which you accepted.reaching inside the house.

You were very tired but didn't show it RM noticed it and said.

Rm:your bedroom is upstairs in left.


When he said my room I got a bit sad even idk why I should be happy that it won't be uncomfortable and awkward between us ugh I decided to take a shower to remove frustration.after taking a long shower I came out of bathroom wearing simple night dress staring at ceiling suddenly the door opened revealing none other than my husband Kim Namjoon or you can say RM I quickly stan up.

Rm:umm...did I disturb you


(It was awkward silence for a moment Rm decided to break the awkwardness)

Rm:dinner is ready come downstairs and eat it (he said in a firm tone)


He left


I was shocked to see his cold side I heard many people saying he has a cold behaviour but I saw it today it's scary.

I went down for dinner I don't want to piss him off.

The maids serve the dinner and we started eating Rm phone started ringing he picked up and started to talk sweetly “ugh how can someone change so fast" I thought. suddenly Rm look up at me and sign me to take the phone I frown but took the phone and kept it on my right ear.


Mrs Kim:how are you my daughter in law

Yn:I am good ,how about you and mr.kim

Mrs Kim:You should call me mom and your father in law dad

Yn:*chuckling* then how is my dear mom and dad.

Mrs Kim:we are good but I wanted to tell you a important thing.

Yn:what is it ?

Mrs Kim:But first tell me did he told you to sleep in separate room.

Yn:huh ...uh-h

Mrs Kim:so he did give,the phone to him.

I give the phone awkwardly to Rm

Rm:yes mom

EleVeN sEcoNdS later

Rm:ok mom

He hung up and look at me

Rm:did you tell mom about seperate rooms

Yn:uh ...s-she asked

Rm:hmm,mom said we will sleep in my room so set your clothes in our rooms closet (my heart skipped a beat when he said “our room")


After dinner we slept while back facing eachother.

After some days

I am in my office working on some designs these days have been very hectic we both were busy Rm was busy because of many partnerships and “The wedding of Min Yn  and Kim Namjoon" which was unexpected we got thousands of wishes and blessings I am very happy everything is good today we are throwing a party for our wedding business partners, colleagues,relatives and friends a perfect reunion.

I was in my thoughts until someone knocked on my table making me flinch.

Eunwoo:did I disturb you

Yn:ofcourse not but you are here?

Eunwoo: Actually my company was telling me that people are demanding our shoot together so I am here to ask if you are interested.

Yn: ofcourse I am comfortable around you but you could've send anyone why bother to come.

Eunwoo:so you don't like when I come here .

Yn:it's not like that *sigh* well leave it you are coming today right.

Eunwoo: Ofcourse ,I am happy you are married but I can't even look at a girl or people will make rumours and headlines I just gone to a tattoo shop I love the tattoo she made so I smile at her and shake hands the next day headline was “Cha eunwoo is dating tattoo artist" and to add some spice it will be like “he made her named tattoo on his chest and that's the reason he didn't show his abs" like anything.

He was telling everything he sat on my table well it isn't a big deal we were friends from childhood we used to be neighbours and we're in same school just difference is he choose modelling and I choose designing but I did modelling after wards like why not.


?:Miss Yn is it true ,did you really did this

Yn:No, please move aside

?:Such a slvt

I know I am late Sorry I will try to post daily.

How was the spoiler💜

Words count 765

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