Episode 6

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But I need to hide this from her if she know who I am she will leave me but I won't let her


I thought it was just attraction but it turn into endless love.smiling like an idiot I took out my phone and looked at every picture of yn when we were at dinner we took photos I set that photo as my wallpaper where she was brightly smiling she has cute smile same as Suga both are lil meow meow

End of Rm POV

Contest day is coming closer Yn became totally busy and then the day finally came

Contest day

Yn:take these designs and display perfectly ok

Assistant:ok mam

Yn:where did the no.4 costume gone

Assistant:mam it's there

Yn:don't tell me bring it fast

Everything is in hurry but thankfully everything is alright

Your whole family is here as your family is company producer but the judges own more part in order to play fair.you saw Mr Kim and Mrs Kim sitting beside your parents and Rm,V and jin sitting together.(why did I accidentally wrote shitting at first 😂)

The show started,you saw your opponent Sia (just a random name as I don't wanna spread any hate I love all the idols what can I do 😅)

Sia is a strong opponent but you respect even your opponent so you bow and gave a smile to her whereas she looked away rolling her eyes and spoke loud enough for you to hear.


You felt bad so you look away and started focusing on the show you were nervous even if this isn't your first show but if your win your product will be famous internationally which is your dream.you have your own product and a big office known in South korea.

After the tests the judges are going to announce results you are very nervous like your heart will jump out anytime.

Judge 1:the winner is

All the judges:Miss Min yn

You felt like Your heart explode out of happiness.

You got up from your seat to take the prize.you got on the stage and started to give the speech .

Yn:Good evening to everyone I want to thank all my co-workers and my parents for always supporting me mom dad I love you...blah blah blah.

Then your father came on the stage took the Mike and announced

Yn dad:I am very proud of you my daughter and I am vary happy to announce that she is getting married.

Everyone started whispering

Yn dad:Kim Namjoon please come on the stage.

Rm came

Yn dad:I am very happy to give my daughter in Mr kim's house as you all know we are best friends for 40 years and I am very happy to have a son in law like Rm.the engagement will be tomorrow so I will be very happy if you came.

The show ended you are talking with your colleagues everyone is congratulating you and you are thanking them.

your family and Kim family thought of throwing a party so they thought of giving party on your engagement.

When everyone talked about engagement you and Rm both got red.

V:oh see my brother and sister in law are blushing.

Everyone started to tease you but then someone approached you.

Sia:Congratulations Ms yn

Yn:thank you

Sia:you are Rm right, CEO of Kim co-operation(seductive tone)

Btw your parents weren't here only you, V,jin, Rm and some people.

Rm felt uncomfortable you noticed it

Rm:yes I am

Sia:it's really nice to meet you (seductive tone)

You decide to interrupt them as you saw how uncomfortable Rm was

Yn:yes nice to meet you too we are getting engaged tomorrow you are invited.

Sia:I heard it,but a handsome man like you deserve someone better.

Rm hold you by your waist and pulled you close to him .

Rm:I don't think so ,she is most perfect person I have ever seen

He said staring at you lovingly and you blushed.

Sia:her family Min co-operation company was the producer so it wasn't fair

Rm:for your kind information the judges were selected on the spot (ots) so it is fair and who tried to bribe the judges as soon as she knew who the judges are.

Sia face went pale but she tried to act cool

Sia:are you trying to scare me

Rm:I am just telling the truth.


Sia quickly walk away more like running

Everyone started laughing

Jin:her face was so funny (while laughing in his windshield laugh)

Suga:will you leave my sister now

Rm noticed he was still holding your waist he immediately let go of you and you both blushed .
(how many times did they blush even I forgot count it let's see if you are correct)

Sorry 😐 I am not able to post everyday but I am writing my other story too

My Mafia Stepbrothers if you are interested you can read it from my account if you aren't it's ok

If you have any complaints don't do it 😂

Btw i-

I don't have anything to say today as I am in a bad mood so if I messed up sorry I don't say sorry often

I Purple you 💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜

I am very touched to the song I kept above title it just touches my heart everytime in this week lol 😂 I change songes every week leaving k-pop

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