Episode 7: engagement

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Rm noticed he was still holding your waist he immediately let go of you and you both blushed .
(how many times did they blush even I forgot count it let's see if you are correct
Jin:ok let's go home, you will meet each other tomorrow in your engagement.(teasing you both)

Shizuka will be addressed as Jins wife 😅

Shizuka:yah don't tease her and yn congratulations .

Yn:thank you but didn't you said already.

Shizuka:it was for your win but this is for your engagement and wedding.

Yn:thank you (nervous laugh)

V:dad called me he told us to leave we also need to prepare for tomorrow.(he said putting his phone in his pocket after talking to his dad)

Shizuka:let's go then.

Jin:yeah then bye soon to be sister in law

You blushed again (a/n:aish why do you blush so much)

Rm:shut up a/n or


Rm:or I will find a gf for Suga and you will be single for your whole life.

A/n:I am going bye ,dashi run run a/n ran away

Return to story

Time skip at home

You are lying on your bed wanting to change clothes but you are so lazy and tired to change clothes

Yn:I won my dream today and I am going to get married in a week get yourself up yn you should be responsible

You got a call making you come out off your thoughts


Mina:hi bish

Yn:I thought you forgot

Mina:how can I forget
My bestie btw I am super
Happy for you you made me
Proud gurl

Yn:haha thanks

Mina:I heard you are
Getting married

Yn:yeah next week

Mina:WTH and you are
Telling me now

Yn:I am sorry but
Everything happened
In hurry and even
The show so everything
Was messed up

Mina:hey girl I was kidding
Ik you were busy and btw
You don't need to worry


Mina:when you have mina
No worries I am gonna
Be your bridesmaid

Yn:oh yeah

Mina:ok ttyl (talk to you later)

Yn:yeah bye

Mina already know about your engagement but she can't come as she was having loads of work and she is completing it asap because she is going to take a whole week off for your wedding.
You are very excited for your engagement tomorrow you are just imagining you and Rm and blushing hard.you slept while smiling and blushing.

Next day:- Engagement

In dressing room

Ym(yn mom):wow my daughter is so beautiful

Yn:thanks mom

Suga barged in dressing room

Suga:are you dome everyone is waiting

Ym:yeah she is let's go yn

Suga hugged you

Suga:I still can't believe the girl who used to be a cute little girl playing around in house while blowing bubbles is now grown up

Yn:don't make me emotional oppa

Suga:but I want to ruin your makeup

Ym:atleast don't tease her now

Suga:tbh yn you look very preety

you were on verge of crying

Suga took your hand and lead you to the stage engagement was held in your house which has a big hall.

You reached the stage. you made an eye contact with Rm and he smiled showing you his dimples which make you want to squeeze his cheeks but you controlled.

host:seems like both are deeply in love

You both break the eye contact and smiled awkwardly

Host:I am very happy to host this engagement, Korea's one of most successful businessman and top model-designer Mr.Kim Namjoon and Ms.min yn but soon to be Mrs.Kim

When you hear the host saying you Mrs.Kim you blushed and looked down

Host:so let's start the engagement put the rings on each other's hand.

(A/n:idk how the engagement is held sorry 😐)

You both slide rings in each other's fingers
The paparazzi's clicked photos

You all had dinner(the engagement was in evening)

It was a enjoyable day and you made many memories.your feelings for Rm are increasing.every one was very happy it felt like every happiness in the world came to you today

Sorry I posted very late but I was really busy with my assignments but I will
Try to post ASAP so bye


To be continued...

Words count 703

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