viii - constant questions

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song recommendation for this chapter :
runaround sue - dion

author's note : hello hello! school has started back up so writing time has been limited. this is a shorter one, so i'm gonna try to make the next one longer as a treat for sitting though a short one! enjoy nonetheless <3


"i couldn't let anyone talk about you like that."
his words confused me. why? why does he care? he hasn't even known me that long...
without thinking, one word blurted out "why?"
he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. after a second he closed his mouth and looked away from me to think. so, he doesn't even know?
our hands were still intertwined by as the silence grew between us, i loosened my grip on his hand more and more until i had fully pulled my hand away. having his hand fall from mine finally got him to look at me again. a wave of confusion and a bit of sadness washed over his face for a second before he composed himself and replaced it with his normal stoic look. "i uh...i don't know. it just really pissed me off when they talked about you like that. sayin' things like they'd buy you and my car for 25 cents. talkin' about you like you're a cheap thing from the store. which you aren't! it ain't-" he clumsily tried to explain until i cut him off by putting a finger to his lips.
"nickie, calm down." i said with a slight smile on my face. he was kinda cute like this. it was obvious he was getting frustrated that he didn't know how to word things and explain things the way he wanted. got himself so worked up a light blushing flushed onto his face. which only grew brighter when i shushed him with my finger.
he took a deep breath as i removed my finger from his lips.
"i am calm. it was just, frustrating. they don't know you."
"you barely know me."
"well, yeah but that's different."
i rolled my eyes. is it only different because he appears at my window at 2 in the morning drunk?
"it's different because...." he started to say but stopped midway through and got really close to me. there was no room between us anymore on the couch. our legs touched now and he continued to grow closer until our faces were mere inches apart. "because..." our faces were even closer now. he looked down at my lips and then back at me as if asking to kiss me. before i could nod a reply, danny whipped open the door. kenickie quickly pulled back from me and looked at danny with a face flushed red.
"i brought fresh clothes." he simply said and threw them straight at kenickie's face. "thanks, danny. i'll be back." nickie quickly replied and stood up to go change in the bathroom.
there was an awkward silence as he clicked the bathroom door closed, leaving me and danny alone.
" and kenickie, huh?" he said raising a brow at me and sitting next to me on the couch.
"listen zucko, you better shut the hell up." i retorted back quickly looking away from him.
he closed the space between us. i felt a hand grab my face and force it to turn towards him.
"or what, doll?"
there was extra emphasis on the 'doll' as he knew full well that was kenickie's name for me. confusion filled my face. why is danny grabbing my face? isn't he into sandy? why is he calling me doll?  questions swam through my head at a million miles per hour. slowly i came back from my thoughts to see danny leaning closer and closer to my lips...

...until he heard the bathroom door open. the sound made him roughly toss me back as he sat back into his original spot on the couch.
what is going on today?

kenickie came out in fresh clothes. ones that looked nearly identical to the ones from before but less bloody and his shirt was grey now instead of white. danny stood and began walking past kenickie and towards the door. "we best be goin'." he gave a quick nod in my direction and left, leaving the front door open for nickie to follow him. "i better follow him. i'll see you around." he gave a quick smile and jogged after danny closing the door behind him.

i was still processing everything while both of them left. let's get this straight, or try to anyways. both of them tried to kiss me. even though danny's got a thing with sandy, my best friend. neither of them ended up kissing me because they interrupted each other. but why would kenickie kiss me? why was he all soft and shit tonight? maybe he likes me? but then why did danny try to kiss me because he's gotta know kenickie likes me? as i tried to answer some questions, more popped up. i can't even tell sandy about this. she'll be devastated. what if she ends up not being friends with me anymore over it? i don't want that...

it all ended with no questions being answered and me just smashing my face into the couch cushions.

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