chapter four

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It was the day after Wilhelm's unexpected anxiety attack and there was a bit of awkwardness between the two boys.

Wilhelm, was embarrassed and scared because he had never let anyone see that side of him before. Simon, on the other hand, was feeling all sorts of different emotions. Sympathy, worried, scared even. He didn't realise Wilhelm could have panic attacks that could go that far.

As they sat across from each other at breakfast, they gave a few glances to one another.

Wilhelm was worried because he remembered the three rules his mother gave him before he moved back into Hillerska.

1. Don't get into any kind of 'relationships'.

You can't stop me, bitch.

2. Keep August close.

No way, am I doing that.

And 3..

Don't talk to Simon.

He had already broken that rule, but he was afraid of all the possibilities and opportunities that his mother could gain if she ever found out they weren't avoiding eachother. I mean, Simon literally calmed and comforted Wilhelm in a massive panic attack. Have you ever done that Queen Kristina?

No. Didn't think so.

Wilhelm was getting uncomfortable and Simon could tell so he slid a little note across the table secretly without anyone noticing.

Wilhelm was getting uncomfortable and Simon could tell so he slid a little note across the table secretly without anyone noticing

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Wilhelm looked up with Simon already staring at him, with kind-eyes. He nodded and Simon gave a faint smile in return, looking back down at the table.


Sara was grabbing a few books out of her locker when she felt somebody behind her.

"Hey Sara." August said touching her hair. "We haven't talked since yesterday."

She grabbed his wrist and put it down by his side. "I told you to stop treating me like this in public. Especially in school. What if my brother sees or-"

August cut her off. "Shh." He whispered putting a finger over her mouth. She became quiet in an instant. "No one will find out, you got to trust me on this one."


"Hey Sara!" Felice called out walking towards them. "Um, what is he doing here?"

"I was just wondering that myself actually."

"Hey Felice. I was talking to Sara about the welcoming ceremony on Friday. I was hoping she could give me the lyrics of the song considering her brother is singing it with the choir."

"And why the hell would you wanna know the lyrics and the song?" She replies, looking at him disgusted. Sara was getting nervous.

"Because why not. I'm curious. Okay bye." He says as he walks off, catching up with Nils.

"That was really odd." Felice mutters. "Does he usually talk to you at school like that?"

Sara didn't answer for a minute. "No, not really." She replies nervously. "Just that, he keeps wanting to know more and more about me and it's kind of concerning considering how he kissed me in the stable last year."

"Oh shit, I totally forgot about that." Felice answers, looking at Sara's locker. "Let's hope he doesn't bother you again, hm?"


Let's hope.


It was finally later and they both found themselves standing face to face in the music room. With Simon looking up at him and Wilhelm looking down at the ground.

Wilhelm didn't say anything and since Simon was the one that initiated them talking, he figured he should be the one to say something, so he did.

"Hey Wille, I'm.." he hesitated. "I'm really sorry for yelling at you in the library. I didn't know it would trigger you that much-"

"Simon, you really think just you yelling at me would throw me off like that?" He asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "It's not just you."

Simon looked more confused than before, looking at Wilhelm with curiousity.

He sighs. "Simme.. I've been getting death threats."


"What?! From who?"

"That's the thing, I don't know. But, whoever they are, they must attend Hillerska." He stops. "They leave notes on my room and locker almost everyday. It's the same person or group each time."

Simon doesn't even know what to say. He can't even find the right words.

"I'm sorry Wille, I had no idea."

"It's fine. It's not your fault. I screwed things up between us, and now it's pretty much just karma." He said, his voice barely below a whisper.

He did have a point.

Just as Simon was about to reply, he realises Wilhelm is crying.

Wilhelm puts his hands on his face in embarrassment.

Simon wrapped his arms around Wilhelm, holding him tight.

Now I've finally realised. Crying doesnt mean you're weak , it means you have been strong for too long.

Wilhelm had lost everything and everyone he loved. His mother didn't accept his sexuality and dismissed it. Erik wasn't able to see and watch his brother fall in love. And Simon, didn't give the 'I love you' back that he desperately needed to hear.

"Look, Wilhelm." He said, wiping away one of the tears falling down Wilhelm's cheek. "I do need space, yes it's true. But, I think you do too. You need to figure out what you want. Who you want to be with. You can't let people like your mother dictate your decisions. Remember, it's your life. Not hers. She's already lived her life. And now, it's your turn."

Wilhelm was taken in by the deep and meaningful words Simon was spilling out of his mouth. He took in each one without saying another thing. He was thinking about what he wanted, but it was hard.

"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart." Simon continued, brushing his hands through Wilhelm's hair. He was doing everything he could to comfort Wilhelm and make him feel better. And it was working.

"I know how strong you are, Wille. Please don't give up. I swear things will work out eventually. Just trust me."

Wilhelm looked at Simon in the eyes and could tell he meant every single thing he was saying.

"Promise?" He asked doubtfully.

Simon looked down and saw Wilhelm's hand. He was holding out his pinky.

"Promise." He replied with certainty, wrapping his pinky around Wilhelm's.

Not all those who wander are lost.


Hey guys. Sorry if this chapter isn't as exciting. Next chapter, there will be lots more drama and tension between the two boys and a new character will be introduced.

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