chapter thirteen

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Simon's POV:

I opened the door and there he was again. The second time today. Luckily, no Annika in sight.

"What can I do for you?" Was all I could let out without crying myself to death. I didn't want to be mad at him. I just couldn't help it. It's just so hard knowing the person you love is too afraid to be with you. But, then he let out a sentence that crushed my skull which I wasn't even ready for.

"I just saw Sara in August's closet."

She wouldn't. She couldn't. Not after our talk and how she said she'd blackmail him. This isn't real. He has to be lying.

"She wouldn't do that." I replied, trying not to cry. "I know my sister, she wouldn't make the same mistake twice. She's been trying to get rid of August."

I took a pause. Trying not to say something I'd regret, but it was too late. The words had already slipped out of my mouth and as soon as I said them, I wish I never did.

"I would believe her over you."

Shit. Why am I so stupid sometimes?

I watched his expression change into hurt. I just broke his heart. I just stabbed him in the chest. That was when he started crying. I wanted to cry with him but I forced myself not to.

I observed as he dropped to the floor in pain and I immediately wanted to kill myself for knowing it was my fault. It was all my fault. All of it.

"I'm sorry." He whispered continuously. He wouldn't stop. He kept saying it over and over.

I had to do something. I regret everything that just happened in the last 55 seconds. If words didn't help, I'd just do this instead.

I knelt down to the ground and wrapped my arms around him and I felt him stop for a split second. He hugged me back tightly and sobbed into my shoulder. I swore I felt his heartbeat against my own, matching in sync like we were meant to share this moment together.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"It isn't your fault. I wouldn't believe me either."

Ow. That kinda hurt.

"I do believe you."

He didn't respond. He just kept crying and crying, and I was unsure if there were even any tears left at all. Was it physically possible to cry that much? That was when I felt a presence close by and I looked behind me. Judging from my movement, Wilhelm looked up with red eyes and saw him. Johan. Son of a bitch.

"Can you please leave us alone?" I asked politely.

He didn't move, just stared at us.

"You don't belong together."

And with those words, Wilhelm started crying even more and fell onto my shoulder and I glared at Johan. He just smirked.

"Simon would never want someone like you, Wilhelm. He's too good for you. Even your mother would agree-"

I had had enough of him. I smashed my lips against Wilhelm's. To my surprise, he didn't pull away.

Johan stood there watching us in disbelief. I guess he might've thought I didn't love him back. Well he was wrong. I definitely did, I just had a hard time showing it. And now, I was kissing him in the corridor of the boy's wing.

Johan backed away slowly into our room and shut the door. Once he did, I pulled away and he looked at me with incredulity.

I thought he would've gotten mad and said something like "What was that?" or "Why did you kiss me?" but instead, he hugged me again. Tighter than the first hug a couple minutes ago.

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