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To summarize what had happened, Inuyasha wasn't at all that delighted to be under the hands of a mortal(?) girl, being told to stay put whenever he heard that cursed word.

Then as if his cursing was heard, the girl looked back at him, as he grudgingly glared at her from a tree. It was also irritating as he feels that he had seen the girl before from somewhere. These other mortals keeps whispering that that girl looked like Kikyo but contrary to his thoughts, the girl didn't resemble that nosy priestess. It's just their eyes playing tricks as the girl had the same black hair and eyes as Kikyo had.

Speaking of eyes, Inuyasha remembered that that girl's eyes changed to another color back when she fought(played with) that screeching centipede.

Inuyasha shook his heads to get rid of the useless thoughts as he went back on planning on how to grab the Shikon jewel from that girl.

"So, young Kagome, what do you plan to do now?" Kaede asked as they were slowly approaching her house. The old woman was worried as the girl was nonchalant and handled the jewel rather crudely.

"Well, having this thing with me is sure to attract the attention of a certain wussy." Kaede had some suspicions on who Kagome was referring to but was flabbergasted at how the young girl called them.

"W-wussy?" Kaede didn't know it's meaning, but she can tell by Kagome's tone that it wasn't any good.

"It means someone with no balls, no courage, albeit a coward who lets others do his bidding." Kagome said, and the sharp ears of the half dog demon heard their conversation.

"Y'know that guy, Naraku, if I remember right." Kagome then looked around and noticed the looming presence around Kaede's house. It seems like she was heard, but it can't be helped since the aura of the whole Shikon jewel is easily distinguished by powerful yokai.

"I mean, if he wanted it, then he should come out of hiding. You don't know what would happen. Like, we might be engaged in an epic battle or something. Now that will be an awesome experience ain't it?" Kagome said and shrugged her shoulders as she sent a glare at the single crow that was hiding in the shadows. The bloodlust that the mortal girl gave out didn't escape Inuyasha's instincts as he caught on what Kagome looked at.

"S-So it is true? He really is back?!" Kaede shouted in worry, as she decided to not mind the weird words that Kagome had let out and focused on the main point.

Kagome let out a smile to Kaede's panicked question. The smile had unnerved the old priestess as she cannot grasp how the girl could be calm at the thought that she might be targeted by that evil yokai.

"Kaede-san doesn't need to worry." At her words, though seemed taking light of the situation, somehow assured Kaede and made her believe that if its Kagome then she would be okay. But then, they heard someone fall a few steps behind them.

That someone was Inuyasha who had fell from the tree that he had climbed on, as he was caught off-guard to hear that the old woman in front of him was...

"You're that scrawny kid that always followed Kikyo like a tail?!" Inuyasha pointed at Kaede exasperatedly, unable to believe in how much time had passed since he was stuck in that tree.

Kagome on the other hand, hid a smile under her hand as she enjoyed herself at the sound of Keppei's voice. Well although it was voice acting back at her first life,.... Still.... The voice is good, it might be also why she liked Ussop right from the get-go.

"Yes, what about it?" Kaede said in a deadpan voice in reply to Inuyasha's rude comment. The mature reply made the half-demon mad for some reason he can't explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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