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Kaede was in panic and hurry as she ushered the villagers of what she needed them to do. Of course, the villagers were very cooperative to their village's priestess since she had repeatedly fended off yokai that threatened their lives.

The villagers quickly gathered purifying salt and any blunt object that they could find in their houses. Kaede had instructed them to stay and protect the village while she was gone, only a few had been picked to accompany her.

They were almost done with their preparations when they had heard a loud crash at the nearby forest.


The sound had struck fear in the villagers hearts, their hands trembling as they held their weapons. Kaede was no better, she had felt dread as soon as she heard that crash. For that loud of a crash, the girl, Kagome, is sure to be in some kind of danger.

"Hurry, we must make haste!" Kaede said and her voice had brought back clarity and a bit if courage to the people. She ran towards the forest, a few men following after her. Soon they were out of sight.

The ground shook.

The forest roared.

Trees feel down.

An eerie shadow showed itself.


It sounded like bells chiming in the distance but also like an annoying ringing sound. It became very uncomfortable for him to continue sleeping.

He weakly opened his eyes, his senses slowly coming back to him. His body felt weak, and he can't move a single limb no matter how hard he tried.

"You bitch! You almost cut my hair!!" Inuyasha heard someone shout. When his sight wasn't a blur anymore, he saw a girl land just right in front of him. Wearing weird clothes, ones he haven't seen before. His attention was caught by the jewel that she had on her hair. The Shikon jewel, the reason why he was imprisoned by an arrow.

"You..." his voice was a bit hoarse due to the long duration that he haven't spoken. It came out in almost like a low growl which might be the reason that the girl had turned around to his direction.

Inuyasha's eyes widened when he saw the girl. She had a familiar face, looking like someone he had met a long time ago. Seeing the purple-gold eyes made his head hurt.

Kagome saw that Inuyasha had woken up, probably due to the influence of the jewel. Seeing as a third party arrive, she made sure to cover up the color of her eyes. Normally, they were black, but she found out that once she used her abilities, then it would glow to a familiar color. A mix of purple and gold. She wouldn't want Inuyasha seeing that since she didn't want unnecessary additions to the reasons why Inuyasha should be wary of her. Having almost the same face as Kikyo would be enough for her to handle, any more and her head would hurt thinking up of excuses.

The centipede lady didn't let this lapse in Kagome's movement escape her, and so she lashed her tail at the girl. This was what Inuyasha had seen when the headache he was experiencing disappeared.

"Look out!" He shouted in warning. But Kagome didn't need to look since she already knew that the attack was coming at her, so she dodged, grabbed the annoying tail that wanted to kill her and dug her fingers on it for some grip. This earned a scream from the centipede, but the yokai didn't have a moment to feel the pain that much as Kagome thrashed her.

"KHHHIIIAAAAAaaAA!!!" Kagome's ears hurt a bit at the scream, well shriek as the centipede met the ground, a few cracks were made.

"Wha..." Inuyasha was surprised of what he witnessed, since no matter how he looked, and by the way the girl had smelled, she was undoubtedly human.

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